
Personal Items

See Main Index

World War l

  1. 80th Anniversary Of The SommeA Military Disaster — (1996)
  2. General William 'Billy' Mitchell (1879-1936)Pioneer Of The US Airforce — (1997)
  3. The Somme, Ypres & GallipoliReview Of TV/Video Productions — (2000)
  4. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Surgeon, Royal Navy 1914-18 — (2000)
    1. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Battles of Coronel & Falklands 1914 — (2000)
    2. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)The Death Of Rupert Brook 1915 — (2000)
    3. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Intelligence & Compton Mackenzie 1915 — (2000)
    4. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Gallipoli 1915 — (2000)
  5. Coronel & The Falkland IslandsNaval Battles Of WWl, 1914 — (2000)

World War ll

  1. Dr George Rodocanachi (1875-1944)Escape & Evasion In WWll — (c. 1946)
  2. Escapers, Evaders & Their Helpers (1939-45)Proposal for a Television Documentary — (1983-84)
  3. The Ian Garrow Letters (1940-43)War Office, MI9, SO7, Pat Line, etc — (1984)
  4. Escape & Evasion In WWllOriginal Magazine Article — (1984)
  5. Escape & Evasion In WWllUpdated & Corrected Version — (1998)
    1. Escape, Evasion & ResistanceBibliography — (1998)
    2. Escape, Evasion & ResistanceNotes: SOE, MI9, MI6, Resistance, etc — (1998)
  6. François Charles-Rouxde Gaulle & The Forces Françaises Libres 1942-43 — (1984)
  7. General Charles de Gaulle & The Forces Françaises Libres 1940-44 — (1984)
  8. Clandestine Warfare 1939-45 — Collected Items From Various Sources — (1999)
  9. Alexis Vlasto (1915-2000) — Academic & Bletchley Park Codebreaker — (2000)
  10. Jean Fourcade — & Pat Line 1940-41 — (2002)
  11. Ian GarrowFounder of Pat Line in WWll — (2003)
  12. Normandy: The Search For SidneyTom Bates's Accounts of Normandy 1944 — (2003)
  13. Les Frères DuvalEt Leurs Aviateurs Americains en 1944 — (2003)
  14. Escape Lines In Europe In WWllThe Royal Air Forces Escaping Society in 1994 — (2003)

Short Stories

  1. The English KnightShort Stories – (1965–1998)
  2. Exotic PlacesThe Levant, The Caucasus & The Balkans – (1991–1995)


  1. Image Galleries
  2. Slaley HallNorthumberland (1973-1983) — (2002)
  3. The Ian Garrow Letters (1940-43)War Office, MI9, SO7, Pat Line, etc — (1984)
  4. 14 Earl's Court SquareImage Gallery — (1993)
  5. Beacon Hill CottageHighclere Estate — (2001)
  6. Le Bosquet 2001Pont Farcy, Normandy, France — (2001)
  7. Le Bosquet / Boquet 2011Pont Farcy, Normandy, France — (2011)
  8. Guy Stephenson Long, Model Locomotive Builder1950s-1960s Broadstone, Dorset — (2009)


  1. The Sixties — In MemoriamA Personal View — (1984)
  2. Some ThoughtsFor Carina — (1997)
  3. Designing & Making TapestriesAn Innocent Occupation — (1989-98)
  4. Sorting Out Sir WinstonChartwell, 1966 (1998)
  5. John & Larry & Osbert & JohnnieA Chelsea Vignette — (1998)
  6. The Coronation GenerationA Children's Christmas Party in 1952 — (2008)
  7. Feudal Tenure of Pont-Farcy (1070-2010)The Hamlet of Le Bosquet — (2023)


  1. See Genealogies Index full list of genealogies

Family History

  1. BibliographyRelating To Items Throughout This Site
  2. The Vlasto Family, Ionia, C3rd B.C.In Ionia — (C3rd B.C.)
  3. The Vlasto Family In Rome, 1-2 A.D.Claudius Vlasto & The Early Christian Church — (C1st & C2nd A.D.)
  4. The Vlastos, Early Church Fathers, Rome, C2nd A.D.Foundation Of The Early Christian Church — (C2nd A.D.)
  5. The Vlasto Family, Byzantium, Constantinople from C4th A.D.Ruling Families & Heraldry in Byzantium — (C4th - C14th)
  6. The Vlasto Family, Crete, From 1092 A.D.In Crete — (C11th - C19th)
  7. Siphis Vlasto, Crete, C15thResistance Leader, Crete — (C15th)
  8. Nicolas Vlasto, Venice, C15thPioneer Printer & Publisher, Venice — (C15th)
  9. The Vlasto Family & Padua University C16th-C18thAcademicians — (C16th - C18th)
  10. The Vlasto Family & Zante C17th-C19thThe Ionian Islands — (C17th - C19th)
  11. Ralli BrothersA Merchant Trading Empire — (1815-1961)
  12. Guide pour les Leçons Des Chosespar Ernest Vlasto — (Paris 1883)
  13. Musé Vlasto pour des Écoles et Leçons Des Chosespar Ernest Vlasto — (Paris 1883)
  14. Ernest Michel Vlasto (1848-1900)Translation Of French Obituary — (c. 1900)
  15. Michel E.T.D. Vlasto Background Friends & Family1888-1918
  16. Michel E.T.D. Vlasto Scrapbook: Sport, Friends & Family1910-1912c
  17. MIchel E.T.D. Vlasto FRCS Cuttings Book1919-1972
  18. Doctor Bodie's Electrifying Performance Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979) — (c. 1905)
  19. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Surgeon, Royal Navy 1914-18 — (2000)
    1. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Battles of Coronel & Falklands 1914 — (2000)
    2. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)The Death Of Rupert Brook 1915 — (2000)
    3. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Intelligence & Compton Mackenzie 1915 — (2000)
    4. Michel E. T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)Gallipoli 1915 — (2000)
  20. General William 'Billy' Mitchell (1879-1936)Pioneer Of The US Airforce — (1997)
  21. 1939 The Last SeasonHelen Vlasto's Memories — (1984)
  22. Christian Vlasto & The Grand Union Canal (1941-1945)Photographs & Sketches — (2002)
  23. Christian Croil Vlasto (m. Abbas) Painting Drawings & Prints1941-1949 – (2014)
  24. Escape & Evasion In WWllPat Line & George Rodocanachi — (1984)
  25. Dr George Rodocanachi (1875-1944)Escape & Evasion In WWll — (c. 1946)
  26. George Rodocanachi, A Liverpool Hero?Liverpool Echo — (2017)
  27. Ralli Brothers Limitedpublished 1951 – (2015)
  28. Voyage Across The Indian OceanPatrica June Reinsma — (1969-70)
  29. Slaley HallNorthumberland (1973-1983) — (2002)
  30. Michel Ernest T. D. Vlasto (1888-1979)The Wykehamist & BMJ Obituaries — (1979)
  31. Gulam Abbas (1907-1983) — By Christian C. Abbas (née Vlasto) — (c. 1983)
  32. Alexis Vlasto (1915-2000) — Academic & Codebreaker — (2000)
  33. From Byzantium To Eton * — Peter Calvocoressi: BBC Radio 4 — (198?) — Sound
  34. Debutantes & The 1939 Season * — Helen Long: 'Tonight' BBC Radio 4 — (1982) — Sound
  35. Safe Houses Are Dangerous * — Helen Long: 'Women's Hour' BBC Radio 4 — (1982) — Sound
  36. Special Operations Executive (SOE/MI9) * — BBC Radio 4 — (198?) — Sound
  37. Air Hostesses In 1946 * — Helen Long: Women's Hour BBC Radio 4 — (198?) — Sound
  38. The Vlasto Family * — Helen Long & Christopher Long — (199?) — Sound
  39. 'Quite A Lot' by Dominie Nicholls& Book Review — (2002)
  40. 'Greek Migrations: Phanariot & Chian DisaporasTalk at London Hellenic Centre — (2005)
  41. Guy Stephenson Long, Model Locomotive Builder1950s-1960s Broadstone, Dorset — (2009)
  42. The Croil FamilyScotland, Milwaukee and Montreal, WWl and WWl 1815-1985 — (2023)
  43. Michel E.T.D. Vlasto Skiing with the How FamilyM¨u;rren, Switzerland ca. 1910 — Large Version (2024)
  44. Michel E.T.D. Vlasto Skiing with the How FamilyM¨u;rren, Switzerland ca. 1910 — Small Version (2024)
  45. The Vlasto Zarifi Rodocanachi Demetriadi & Mitaranga FamiliesSheringham 1913 & 1921 — (2024)
  46. The Vlasto Zarifi Rodocanachi Demetriadi & Ionides FamiliesSaltmarshe Castle 1911 — (2024)
  47. Musées Vlasto & Leçons des Choses UsuellesA Teaching Aid Designed by Ernest-Michel Vlasto — (2024)

Vlasto Family Arms & Devices

  1. Vlasto Eagles, c. 300 B.C.Arms & Devices (c. 300 B.C.)
  2. Vlasto Eagles, c. 50 A.D.Arms & Devices (c. 50 A.D.
  3. Vlasto Arms, 'Generic' Chios c. C16th-C17thDouble-eagles, Shoots — (c. 1300-1500)
  4. Vlasto Arms, 1300-1694 Cross, Double-eagle, Lion — (c. 1300-1500)
  5. Vlasto Arms, 1300-1694Cross, Eagle, Grapes — (c. 1300-1500)
  6. Vlasto Arms, 1300-1694Cross, Eagle, Sprig — (c. 1300-1500)
  7. Vlasto Arms, 1300-1694Double-eagle, Sprig — (c. 1300-1500)
  8. Vlasto Arms, Chios, c.1500'Portico' — (c. C15th-C16th)
  9. Antonio Vlasto Arms, Crete, 1590Cross, Bird, Sprig — (1590)
  10. Georgius & Marcus Vlasto Arms, Crete, 1630, 1680Cross, Bird, Sprig — (1630-80)
  11. Nicolaus Vlasto Arms, Crete, 1694Cross, Bird, Sprig — (1694)

Family Who's Who and What's What

  1. Four Generations, 1880s-1980sA Collection Of Faces Spanning A Century
  2. The Long Family, 1951A Gathering At Hay Tor
  3. Michel Zarifi & Fanny KessisogluPortraits & Nadar Photographs
  4. The Long Family, C19-20thRev'd & Mrs David Long & Family
  5. Faces From The Chios DiasporaC18th, C19th & C20th Portraits
  6. Faces From A Scottish DiasporaC18th, C19th & C20th Portraits
  7. Michel E.T.D. Vlasto Background Friends & Family1888-1918
  8. MIchel E.T.D. Vlasto FRCS Cuttings Book1919-1972
  9. Faces From The Long FamilyC18th, C19th & C20th Portraits
  10. The Vlasto Family, Saltmarsh Castle 1911Introduction
  11. The Vlasto Family, Saltmarsh Castle 1911Photographs In The Garden
  12. The Vlasto Family, The Seaside 1912Photographs At The Beach
  13. The Vlasto & Long Families, 1950sAt Westerham, Kent
  14. The Vlasto & Croil Families, 1920s-1930sLondon & Elsewhere
  15. Items and MemorabliaWhat Came From Whom, Where and When

Chios & The Vlasto Family

  1. The Massacres Of ChiosIntroduction — (1998)
    1. The Massacres Of Chios 1Introduction 1814-1821 — (1998)
    2. The Massacres Of Chios 2Events of 1822 — (1998)
    3. The Massacres Of Chios 3Events of 1822 Onwards & Documentation — (1998)
    4. The Chios Diaspora 1 Events of 1823-99 — (1998)
    5. The Chios Diaspora 2 Events of 1900-99 — (1998)
  2. The Kampos & Chios Pre-1822On The Island Of Chios — (1999)
  3. The Kampos, Chios & Vlasto Properties Pre-1822On The Island Of Chios — (1999)
  4. Island of ChiosHistorical Notes — (1998)
  5. Xenophobia In ChiosA Warning To 'Foreigners'! — (1999)
  6. Personal Accounts of Survivors of The Chios MassacresPublished in Edinburgh in 1822 — (2024)

See Main Index...

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Christopher Long

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