
Feedback to this site


Many visitors kindly write with queries or reactions to this site. Here I'm reproducing those messages which make interesting points, though I've excluded all confidential material. Maybe visitors to this page can supply answers or information where requested. You may contact me 'direct' or from the 'response page'. The latter is more helpful as I then get a rough idea as to visitors' interests, who they are, why they visited and where they come from!

I accept no responsibility for the reliability of any statements made here.
Letters from non-English speakers are sometimes edited to make them more understandable and atrocious spelling & grammar, usually from the USA, is mostly corrected!

The most recent messages appear at the top of the list below. Owing to internet abuse I have taken the precaution of disguising correspondents' email addresses. To write to any of the addresses below, please remove the word [nospam], including the square brackets enclosing it.

Feedback Index

  1. Subject: Franghiadi Family
    Date: 30-12-2003 16:03
    Received: 30-12-2003 22:57
    From: Franghiadi@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, I have read most of your Chios articles, and genealogies with great interest as I am married to a Franghiadi, a James Paul Franghiadi aged 39, only son of George Peter aged 71. I would love to make contact as we seem to be the branch of the family stemming from a second marriage to Constance Clara Harmon, down through Paul Franghiadi, George Paul Franghiadi to my father-in-law George Peter... please feel free to e-mail Jim and myself at our site. Thanks, Sharn Franghiadi.

  2. Subject: Houghton & Gunn
    Date: 28-12-2003 22:32
    Received: 29-12-2003 00:27
    From: Denzylle@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I have what I can only describe as an oval paperweight, in red leather, with a brass A to hold down papers. It's inscribed, on the base, 'Houghton & Gunn, 162. Bond...' [Bond Street] followed by a symbol that I don't recognise. Apart from wondering what the origin might be, I'm a Wilson (Scottish Gunn clan) and wonder if there might be a connection...?

  3. Subject: Florance/Ionides
    Date: 27-12-2003 18:06
    Received: 27-12-2003 18:53
    From: Jim Florance, jim.florance@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    From Reverend James Andrew Vernon Florance. Dear Sirs, I happened to stumble across my name on your web site and am writing to inform you of errors. I do not have the name Heinz neither did my father. His name was Henry Kenelm Florance. I was born in Ipswich which is in Suffolk not Essex. I have recently remarried to a Reverend Pauline (née Wainwright).

  4. Subject: Major Holland and SOE
    Date: 26-12-2003 19:10
    Received: 27-12-2003 01:44
    From: Jane Moody, jm@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Mr. Long, First of all, thank you for creating such a tribute to the incredibly brave people who helped win the war. Your site is fascinating to one born in 1946. I am searching for any information about my father's cousin, Major (later Major General) J. F. C. Holland, who was MI (r) in 1939 and helped found SOE. After this, I can find no reference to him on any of the sources on the 'net'. I think he must have continued working with SOE in London because I noticed one notation in my father's brief war diaries about going to Baker Street, with some reference to Sherlock Holmes. He certainly didn't say anything specific, like 'met Jack at Baker Street'. But my father would have had no other reason to go there, being simply a Canadian engineer. Although I have yet to track down Foot's history of SOE, anything you may have found in your research would be most helpful. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Jane Moody, Halifax and Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  5. Subject: Albanian Muslims?
    Date: 26-12-2003 23:59
    Received: 27-12-2003 01:44
    From: Adnan, adnan@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi. Thanks for posting an explanation of the events leading to the war in Kosovo. I have a few comments, referring to: '... Serbs existed in varying proportions in each of Yugoslavia's six states – Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Monte Negro, Serbia and Macedonia – as well as in its two semi-autonomous provinces of Vojvodina (predominantly Hungarian) and Kosovo (predominantly Muslims who spoke Albanian)...'. The latter part should be rephrased 'populated predominantly by ethnic Albanians who are secular Muslims'. Otherwise, it implies that there were Muslim Serbs in Kosovo who spoke Albanian (because the subject of the sentence is 'Serbs'), or that Kosovo is populated predominantly by Muslims who speak Albanian; that's also misleading. Firstly, it doesn't distinguish the Albanians from the Serbs ethnically (they could be Muslim but ethnic Slavs like the Bosnians, which they aren't). Seconly, it implies that those in Kosovo who speak Albanian are Muslims first, and it's precisely the opposite: Albanians are Albanian first, and of a certain religion second. Also, ... Throughout the 1990s, state-controlled Yugoslav media were largely successful in convincing more gullible Serbs that the ethnically-mixed but predominantly 'Illyrian' Albanians were somehow latter-day Turks...'. This is the first time I've seen Albanians called 'ethnically-mixed' and I don't think it's correct, but I'm open-minded if you have a reference. Adnan Derti, Boston, Massachusetts.

  6. Subject: Petrocochino & Malta
    Date: 24-12-2003 16:38
    Received: 25-12-2003 01:57
    From: Rita Petrococchino, apetro@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, I have been coming across your name on the internet for a number of years now since I occasionally seach the net for listings under Petrocochino. The listings have grown in numbr. Our family has been in Malta since 1822 or thereabouts. The family is now very small with my father and my brother and myself left. I also have three sisters. My brother has a son and I have 2 daughters so the name seems destined to die out... pity. I have a copy of the Argenti book (part of) which deals with the Petrocochino. The last listing there shows my father, Maurice, his brother Marcel and his sister Maryrose. Keep up the good work. Albert.

  7. Subject: Dog Training & Retrieving
    Date: 21-12-2003 14:21
    Received: 21-12-2003 18:04
    From: Dannymtemple@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I have a spaniel which I thought was well trained (not perfect) but OK. He is obedient he will sit, stay, go left, go right, go on, come back to me, using hand signals and whistles, and all at distance. The trouble I am having is that he has stopped picking game up. He will retrieve dummies wrapped in rabbit, hare skins or skinned pheasant but when we go shooting he won't pick up. He used to. He would go over water and pick up (and he still does this with dummies). He marks it and sits with it, won't let anyone else but me have it, but won't fetch it. I am at the end of my tether. I have talked to other people I shoot with but no one seems to have any idea why he has stopped. I would be gratefull for any advice or suggestions. The dog is two and a half years old. He is big, strong and confident. He has never been hit. As far as I know he has never been bitten or pecked by anything he`s caught. Hope you can help. Danny Temple.

  8. Subject: Desormeaux
    Date: 21-12-2003 11:12
    Received: 21-12-2003 12:41
    From: John, joree07@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I don't know if this is relevant to your research. My family nme is Reeve and the family originated in Ashford and Dover in Kent. My great-great aunt was Caroline Desormeaux and her brother was Lewis Desormeaux. Our family bible was given to Lewis Reeve from his great uncle Lewis Desormeaux. This Desormeaux famuily were butchers and coal factors in London and were Huguenots. A fairly wealthy family, the last of them died around 1850 and the Reeves inherited. I have their death certificates. All the best, John Reeve.

  9. Subject: Byzantine Genealogy
    Date: 20-12-2003 03:55
    Received: 20-12-2003 12:44
    From: Sean W, sean5978@[nospam]
    To: Christopher Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I wish to thank you for recommending me to [ ... ]. He has informed me of the existence of several very helpful books, including the Dictionnaire Historique et Genealogique... I recently contacted my eldest grand-aunt who has informed me of the existence of another previously-unknown side of the family. Evidently the surname was 'de Cese' [Dikékos?]. As to the exact way in which it was spelt I am unsure. In terms of pronunciation, my grand-aunt likened the surname to the English word 'decease'. I am inclined to believe they were employed as merchants (perhaps from Genoa?) and am sure as to the fact that they must have resided at Izmir [Smyrna] for some time. I wonder if perhaps you know anything of this family or have any ideas as to where I should begin my search? I know this topic is quite obscure indeed but I thought, given your experience in researching such genealogies, you might have some insightful recommendations as to where I ought to begin my search. I shall also contact [ ... ] and see what he thinks. Thank you again for all your kind assistance. Sincerely, Sean Welsh.

  10. Subject: English Springer Spaniels
    Date: 19-12-2003 02:40
    Received: 19-12-2003 14:37
    From: g1azc, g1azc@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi Christopher. Found your web site by chance. Up to now it looks very good, full of info although I've not had time to browse. The reason why I'm mailing you is that I have two English Springers, one at 18 months and the other at 4 months. The older dog was a rescue dog that came from the South Yorkshire Springer rescue centre in Rotherham. Our problem with him is that he always pulls on the lead. We have tried harnesses and haltis. The halti seems to work in a small way. When we show him the lead he tends to go and hide and cower down as if he is afraid of it. But when he is on the lead he pulls very powerfully. We seem to be at a no-win situation with him and cannot seem to get him under control. We have tried a small obedience class but that was not much use either. We got this dog when he was four months old so we don't know what his past history is with his previous owners but I suspect maybe there was a little bit of mis-treatment concerning the lead. I don't know what your views are on this matter but any help is a big help if it can solve our lead training problem. With this problem it seems we are on a loser until we get this right as other training is lagging behind. Regards Malcolm J. Cannings. Co. Durham.

  11. Subject: Dillington Hall, Norfolk
    Date: 15-12-2003 13:15
    Received: 15-12-2003 13:37
    From: Glenn Anderson, GlennA@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Hi Christopher, I have been reading parts of your genealogy section with interest, through researching Dillington Hall, Norfolk – where the Long family seem to have lived in the early 1800's. You mention three small daguerreotype images of unidentified great-great-aunts (Longs or Everingtons) at Dillington Hall, Norfolk, c.1860, from Elizabeth Long 1987. I have somewhere in my possession some information regarding the conveyance for Dillington Hall which was something to do with a dowry for William Edward Everington who lived at the Hall in about 1860. I would be happy to forward this information to you if it was of any interest. If you have any further information regarding the images of your great-great aunts, this would be of great interest to me as we do not have any images of the area before about 1950. Also should you have any information regarding Dillington Hall we are starting to research the history of the place after spending the last five years beginning to renovate it. Kind regards, Glenn Anderson

  12. Subject: Family Tree?
    Date: 11-11-2003 17:10
    Received: 11-12-2003 18:16
    From: Ricardo Richardson, rrichardson@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I don't know why I was researching family origins, but I came across your website. My name is Ricardo Richardson and I am from Nassau, Bahamas, West Indies. I came across a William Richardson (James) Croil who died on April 3, 1873 in Nassau, West Indies. Is this purely coincidence or is there some relation? Ricardo A. Richardson.

  13. Subject: Evolution?
    Date: 08-12-2003 20:53
    Received: 08-12-2003 23:03
    From: John Edmondson, john.edmondson@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I was greatly amused by this cartoon on the Trivia section of your site. As a museum curator I'm always looking for appropriate material to illustrate our displays, and this one is highly appropriate. Do you know the source and could you tell me if it is covered by copyright? ... Sincerely, John Edmondson, Head of Science, Liverpool Museum. (Sorry to note that the chimp on the right hasn't the nous to get a Mac!)

  14. Subject:: Boat People
    Date: 07-12-2003 02:14
    Received: 07-12-2003 11:37
    From: MooMoo666@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi, Mr. Long! I just received a phone call from my godmom Rita today and it brought back some fuzzy memories [Vietnamese Boat People]. She lives in England and was one of the many family who helped me and my family when we first came to England 1978. Here's the problem, I don't know if the article you've written was about me and my family. I've just recently wanted to find out the captain's name who rescued us with his merchant ship via to Taiwan. This article sounds a lot like my adventure but at the time I was only 7 years old. I don't remember much but I do have a few pictures of the rescue, the barricks we stayed at and the captain whom I took a picture with. I know he died a few years later after he'd rescued us. Would you be so kind to furnish me with his name if possible? Regards, Niki Wong (f.k.a. Dan Dan Lenh).

  15. Subject: Communications
    Date: 02-12-2003 14:03
    Received: 02-12-2003 17:55
    From: Anthony, Colin, colin.anthony@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Hi Christopher, I have just been searching the net for a Series 200 phone and your name popped up! To be honest I have had some trouble locating one that is in working condition. Therefore advice on the said purchase would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Colin Anthony.

  16. Subject: Frangopoulos
    Date: 28-11-2003 19:13
    Received: 29-11-2003 01:58
    From: Victor Frangopoulos, vsf@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Good Evening. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Victor Frangopoulos from Racine, Wisconsin in the USA. This past weekend I was searching the web for Frangopoulos' and I came across your web site and on it was a Fotinos Frangopoulos. Since I am also in the process of putting a family tree together I immediately wanted to investigate this name further as I recognized the name and in particular the fact that he relocated to Romania. Fotinos is the brother of my grandfather. There were eight brothers and sisters. They are: Ilias, Nikolas, Fotinos, Andreas, Angelis, Theonia, Andiani and Panagiotis. Panagiotis is my grandfather on my father's side. The reason I point this out is that both my parents had the same last name; no relation. Fotinos also had eight children. They are: Spiros, Gerasimos, Andreas [Andrew], Nikolas, Dionisis, Gianie [John], Meropi, Katerini. Fotino's father is John Frangopoulos [my great-grandfather] and his mother's name is Kate [Valionou] Frangopoulos [my great-grandmother]. Both Panagiotis and John were Captains of their vessels. Both my wife and I are first generation Americans, my roots are from Cephalonia and my wife's from Chios. I find it ironic that your web site covers the history of Chios in so much detail. I looked for a connection but could not find any. I hope you find this information useful for your family tree. If I can be of any further assistance, please email me. By the way, before I retired, I traveled to England numerous times. Happy Holidays, Victor Frangopoulos.

  17. Subject: Byzantine Genealogy
    Date: 27-11-2003 09:13
    Received: 27-11-2003 10:44
    From: Sean W, sean5978@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I have reviewed in detail your very comprehensive website and would like to commend you on your excellent work. I can well imagine that such extensive research must have taken you many years. As you are clearly an expert in the field of Byzantine genealogy[Not so! – CAL] — I wonder if you might be able to assist me with a small question. You see, I have traced my Ionian Greek family genealogy back to c.1350-1550 to someone called Ioannis (John). I know that he had a son whose name was either Haralabos or Antonios. All I know about Ioannis was that he was very wealthy, owned shipyards on several of the Aegean islands, and was involved in the trade of various commodities and foodstuffs in the Aegean. He was also a member of the Byzantine nobility, perhaps even of the imperial family, but I cannot say this for sure. John's son, who was called Antonios or Haralabos, received a grant of land in Anatolia either by the Ottoman Sultan or, if it was before the hegemony of the Osman clan, by the local Prince of Aydinoglu, in about 1400-1500. I wonder if you might know which if any of the prominent Byzantine or Aegean noble families were involved in large-scale Aegean trading during that period? Perhaps you are familiar with a family in which the names John, Antonios and/or Haralabos are common? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If you are not familiar with any such families, perhaps you could recommend a book dealing with the genealogies of the Byzantine noble families of that period? Thank you for your kind attention in this regard. Sincerely, Sean Welsh

  18. Subject: Fortissat/Fortisset & Croil
    Date: 26-11-2003 15:19
    Received: 26-11-2003 15:34
    From: Scobbie, Jim, JScobbie@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi, you mention this coal mine [Fortissat/Fortisset] in your pages on the Croil family ... and my interest is that my great-grandfather (James Scobbie) was (well, I'm not sure) co-owner at one point or maybe manager rather than owner, 1875-1902 ...[he notes confusion about the spelling of Fortissat/Fortisset on different web sites]... I'm delighted to have found out a little bit more now – the Fortissat mine was also known as the Scobie mine. So given your website says this person Ann Richardson James Croil inherited Fortissat and lived 1826-1896, do you think she may have sold it to the father and uncle of James Scobbie before 1875? Or just licensed the mineral rights or something? Do you know anything about it? Best wishes, Jim Scobbie.

  19. Subject: Mariora Eumorfopoulos
    Date: 21-11-2003 11:13
    Received: 23-11-2003 15:56
    From: Rod Eumorfopoulos, rodeumor@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am the son of Mariora Eumorfopoulos who was born in June 1912 and died in February this year. I have some further imformation about the Eumorfopoulos family, which I will be glad to add to your records if you wish. Best regards, Rod Eumorfopoulos.

  20. Subject: Samuel Lewis
    Date: 16-11-2003 17:14
    Received: 16-11-2003 19:51
    From: James Lewis, james.lewis23@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I have just read with interest piece about Coronel and the Falklands. My great grandfather Samuel Lewis RN was a Leading Stoker aboard HMS Cornwall during the battle. I would love to be able to find a photo of the crew and ship. Have you any ideas where I might look? Many thanks, James Lewis.

  21. Subject: Lt Robert John Chivas
    Date: 15-11-2003 15:53
    Received: 15-11-2003 16:58
    From: Stanley Stein, scstein_slmilw@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Sir, About a year or so ago my wife and I discovered the grave/monument of a Lt. Robert John Chivas at Forest Home Cemetery (corner of 27th Street and Forest Home Avenue), here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The inscription reads, in part, that he was born May 17, 1842 in Aberdeen Scotland, a member of the 24th Wisconsin Volunteers, and that he died at the assault of Mission Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Nov 25, 1863. In trying to find some information about him this a.m. (my curiosity was spurred by a recent visit to Chattanooga, TN and the Chickamauga battlefied), using, I came across your geneological web site and the information that there was a member of your family by the name of Robert Chivas who died about 1863 during the American Civil War. I am not sure that this is your ancestor, but I thought I would forward the above information that I have to you. I hope that it is of some use. Pastor Stanley C. Stein, St. Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church, Milwaukee.

  22. Subject: Mary Lindell and Marie-Claire Line
    Date: 15-11-2003 09:44
    Received: 15-11-2003 16:59
    From: Julie Dollahite, divadiva@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, I did a Google search on Mary Lindell, the Comtesse de Milleville, and your site came up as a location where I might read about her work with the resistance in France during WW2. I am studying French in America and wanted to use her as a subject for a presentation, and have been unsuccessful in finding additional information regarding her other than from the film One Against the Wind. Was your site listed in error? Or am I just missing the entry for the Marie-Claire line? I hope you will have time to respond to my inquiry. Thank you for your reply. Sincerely, Julie Dollahite.

  23. Subject: Poems of Fillerin Norbert
    Date: 14-11-2003 12:28
    Received: 14-11-2003 20:29
    From: Fillerin, Agnes, agnes.fillerin@[nospam]

    Good afternoon, I thank you if you could send me poems or other information concerning Norbert Fillerin my grand-father. I never met him because of the divorce of my parents when I was a child. Sincerely yours, Agnès Fillerin, (Toulouse).

  24. Subject: Mustapha
    Date: 14-11-2003 12:24
    Received: 14-11-2003 20:29
    From: Neil Richmond, n.richmond@b[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I just wondered if Mustapha will be available soon.

  25. Subject: Nephew, Long
    Date: 14-11-2003 06:57
    Received: 14-11-2003 11:11
    From: Shelby Corley, peaches61@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am looking for my nephew, Christopher Avery Long, son of Donald Avery Long. My name is Shelby Jean Long, now Corley. Thank you.

  26. Subject: Old Lags From The LNG
    Date: 12-11-2003 14:40
    Received: 13-11-2003 23:42
    From: stephen.barr@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Most impressed by your site. I reached it while searching for news of old London Newspaper Group colleagues. Only Kate Bresler and me are on the FR page. Read your fine tribute to Jim Barnard. Miss people like you. Hope to learn more about you all. Regards, Stephen Barr.

  27. Subject: Billy Mitchell
    Date: 09-11-2003 22:37
    Received: 10-11-2003 10:38
    From: Andrew Smith, ccslasersailor@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am writing a paper on the use carriers and aerial combat being the idea that lead to the American navy winning World War II in the Pacific theater. I was wondering if you would have any ideas on places to look for information that might support this. I am planning on using your information on General Mitchell to start with the idea of attacking ships with aircraft. Thanks for any help you can offer. Sincerely, Andrew G. W. Smith.

  28. Subject: A Clever Little Greek
    Date: 08-11-2003 10:30
    Received: 08-11-2003 11:11
    From: patricia scharf, kmpscharf@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher. Your site popped up like toast as I searched for information about Field Marshal Sir G. W. R. Templer. Since then I often return to read your articles. To-day I have so enjoyed Are you Greek or Roman. I have been playing that sort of game with myself Are you a Gentile or a Semite. It is all to do with aptitude. I feel like a clever little Greek. Kind regards Patricia b 1929.

  29. Subject: London Portrait Magazine. Can you help?
    Date: 05-11-2003 16:06
    Received: 05-11-2003 18:24
    From: Anna Pearson, anna.pearson@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am trying to find the publishers of London Portrait Magazine. Is it you guys? Looking for advertising dept re: rates etc. Kind regards, Anna.

  30. Subject: General Billy Mitchell
    Date: 04-11-2003 20:42
    Received: 05-11-2003 15:27
    From: Kenneth Exworth, kenneth.exworth@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Thanks for a great site on Billy Mitchell. Why did you not cover the First World Flight which was one of Billy Mitchell's great achievements.

  31. Subject: Pictures WWll
    Date: 03-11-2003 02:47
    Received: 03-11-2003 11:22
    From: Unoallnightlong@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, I'm not sure where to begin... so... I found your web site to be interesting and thought you could direct me to the proper place(s). My father was a WWll veteran. After the war was over he came across many pictures which are now in my possession. I may be willing to sell some of these. They are all originals. Where would I go or who would I contact for information on interested buyers. Thank you for your time. Rebecca.

  32. Subject: The Metaxa Family
    Date: 30-10-2003 00:59
    Received: 30-10-2003 11:14
    From: John Morris, Jlmorris@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, I will start by saying that I am not part of the [Metaxa] family, but that I am interested in them. My interest stems from the fact that I live in a house that was owned by a family member and I am putting together a history of the place. Several years ago I spoke with a person, outside the house, who said that one of their relations had lived here. I now suspect that the person that I spoke with may have been Christopher Long [Not me! – CAL]. The person that I am interested in is Blanche Priscilla – Countess of Metaxa. As far as I can tell, she owned the property from 1926(ish) until 12th August 1941. It seems that she was a widow at the time of purchase. Please would you let me know if the countess is part of your tree. There are three or four things that I would like to know, but I wont bother you with them until you confirm that she was yours. Thank you very much, John Morris

  33. Subject: Angela Frangoulis
    Date: 01-11-2003 23:03
    Received: 02-11-2003 12:47
    From: Angela Rothstein, l8erluv@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    My name is Angela Frangoulis, and I came upon your website, by just typing my last name into the link box for the internet. I have seen my last name in your relative listing, although I noticed none of them were from recent years. I am fifteen years old, and live in the U.S. I have typed my name in the link box before and the web site came up to Mario Frangoulis, a musical artist in Greece. I am just curious to know if I have family somewhere besides the U.S. But I guess I would, considering I am mostly Greek. Well, I am really fascinated, and would love to hear back from you, but if not I understand. Thanks! XOXO. Angela Frangoulis, United States of America.

  34. Subject: Five Good Reasons To Tell You 'Merci'!
    Date: 31-10-2003 11:06
    Received: 31-10-2003 11:21
    From: Eric Delalonde, eric.delalonde@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    1. Your web-site is refreshing.
    2. You provide useful informations about people I will have soon to deal with.
    3. You might be a pleasant guest for a beach cocktail-party at....when we will be staying there in August.
    4. You seem to live close to the ancient vineyards of Mont-Saint-Michel abbey that I own in...
    5. You exposed pictures of a very special (even simple) place in Vire where I experienced happiness.
    Thank-you, Eric Delalonde

  35. Subject: A Question Of [Mitchell] Genealogy
    Date: 29-10-2003 20:03
    Received: 29-10-2003 20:58
    From: Eelia Goldsmith-Henderscheid, eeliag@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher, I was wondering if you might be able to help me debunk a family story that we are related to Colonel Billy Mitchell... I am naturally sceptical of these 'relations' coming down through family 'stories' unless proven. How this came about was through a discussion with my father last night regarding the fire here in San Diego. He mentioned that we were related to Colonel Billy Mitchell. What my father said was that his great grandfather Simon P. Mitchell's brother's son is Colonel Mitchell, and that his aunt had told him this. I have had difficulty with this family line as I'm working with little data. Only recently I started to work on it. All I know is that according to the 1860 census Simon was in Illinois and born abt 1837. As to his parents and siblings, I haven't a clue. Do you have any of Colonel Mitchell's genealogy and if so, do you have a Simon P.? What data I do have is on my web site. Cheers, Eelia Henderscheid, San Diego, Ca. (an 8 mile miss from the fires).

  36. Subject: Taganrog & Geneaology
    Date: 25-10-2003 19:16
    Received: 26-10-2003 12:38
    From: The Rileys, baskwood@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,
    Your genealogy records shows a wedding taking place in Togonrog/Tagenrog in 1836. Your date is specific. Was this from family records or did you get the information from official sources in Russia? If so, what address and methods did you use? Many thanks, Brian Riley. (Married to a ggg-daughter of a Tagenrog resident)

  37. Subject: Permission to reproduce 'No Parking'?
    Date: 22-10-2003 10:24
    Received: 22-10-2003 13:40
    From: Maseena Ziegler, maseena.ziegler@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I am a journalism student at the University of Westminster and currently working on a university assignment which involves creating a website around the topic 'Transport for London'. I came across your article on the internet entitled No Parking and even though it was penned in September 1983, it's still very relevant and in my opinion, the most eloquent article available on the subject. I am writing therefore to ask whether we could publish this article on our student website and if you like we could also provide a link to your home page. As the site needs to be ready next week, I would be very grateful if you responded soon. Many thanks. Kind regards, Maseena Ziegler.

  38. Subject: Chios
    Date: 22-10-2003 01:02
    Received: 22-10-2003 13:40
    From: Nasuh Mahruki, nasuh@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to get some more information about Chios massacre and the events during those days. Also I would like to learn yearly events if any for the memory of those days. Could you please guide me for these issues. Regards, Nasuh.

  39. Subject: Rochfort
    Date: 18-10-2003 08:44
    Received: 18-10-2003 11:56
    From: Jessie Aylen, aylenjb@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Chris, I have just come across your web page and I see you are related to Cowper Frederick Wollaston Rochfort, the son of Cowper Rochfort [b. 12 Mar 1839 Mysore, India, d. 16 Mar 1923 Grenfell, Saskatchewan, Canada] m. 1867, England, Elizabeth Fremantle Kennett [b. 1841 Chidham, Sussex, England, d. 29 Nov 1901 Grenfell, Saskatchewan, Canada]. Cowper Frederick Wollaston Rochfort [b. 1 Feb 1876 Millbrook, Hampshire, England, d. 19 Nov 1950 Calgary, Alberta, Canada] m. c.1918 Gwenyth Mary Rose Hale, [b. 10 Jul 1880 England, d. 1973 Battle, East Sussex, England] ... [she then provides further genealogical information] ... I hope this info is of interest to you. As Rochfort is my maiden name I have done a considerable amount of research on the name both as a surname and Christian name. A few members of the Canadian Rochforts came to Victoria, Australia. I take it you are related on the 'Hale' side. I am always interested in anyone who is connected to the Rochfort name. My G-Grandfather was born in Dublin, Ireland. Bye for now Jessie Aylen.

  40. Subject: Vladimir Ivanidze
    Date: 16-10-2003 01:42
    Received: 16-10-2003 10:44
    From: margarit, margarit@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am a journalist from Romania and I am very interested in contacting Mr Vladimir Ivanidze. I'm investigating businesses in Romania conected to Mr. Ivanidze's investigation on Rusal. Thanks a lot for any help, Manuela Preoteasa. Writer Capital (, (;

  41. Subject: Mariora Ralli
    Date: 14-10-2003 01:31
    Received: 14-10-2003 10:28
    From: Alexandre Glyptis, aglyptis@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, Would you be kind enough to correct the date and place of death of my great-grandmother Mariora (Nicholas) Ralli, who married on 20.12.1870 Constantine (Georges) Maccas: date of death 1928, place of death Athens, Greece. Thank you, my dear distant cousin, With best regards, Alexander Maccas. P.S. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any information regarding our families.

  42. Subject: Smyrna Massacres 1922
    Date: 14-10-2003 02:31
    Received: 14-10-2003 10:28
    From: Cheryl Johnson, Cheryl@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, I work for a Los Angeles-based television production company. We produce quality documentaries for networks such as Discovery, National Geographic and PBS. We've been working on a new documentary project and I wanted to inquire about a famous photo which I've seen on numerous websites but have thus far not been able to identify owner of. The attached photo is one of many which are used to show the atrocities [by the Turks against the] Greeks of Asia Minor. Sometimes I have seen this photo etched with the 'Atrocites Turcque, Smyrne 1922' which leads me to suspect that the origin of the photo is French. This appears to be from the Smyrna genocide September 1922. I believe this photo to be in the public domain. Do you have the source for this photo or could you direct me to the book or books from which it came? OR Do you know who has the right to grant me permission to use this image in our documentary? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you. Cheryl Johnson, Arden Entertainment

  43. Subject: Rodocanachi and Amiconi
    Date: 09-10-2003 08:47
    Received: 09-10-2003 12:22
    From: [Name and address witheld]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Sir, I am in possession of three portraits by B. Amiconi representing three members of the Rodokanakis [Rodocanachi] family. They belonged to my grandfather whose first wife was from the branch of the family established in the Prince islands [Prinkipos], in Istanbul. I am currently trying to contact the people or houses who might be interested in purchasing these portraits and this is one of the purposes of this message. The second is my curiosity concerning the people portrayed whose names I would like to know. I would be grateful for any information you could give me which would enable me to identify the people in the portraits and/or help me dispose of the paintings in the best way possible. I am attaching photographs of the paintings and I look forward to further contact from you.

  44. Subject: Susan Rodocanachi
    Date: 06-10-2003 18:46
    Received: 06-10-2003 18:56
    From: Rodocanachi, Susan, susan.rodocanachi@[nospam]
    To: '',

    I noticed your website when doing a google on my name – I am John Rodocanachi's eldest daughter Susan, b. December 30, 1956; my sister Jennifer was born on February 4, 1958, my sister ZoĆ« on September 9, 1959, and my brother Andrew on April 29, 1961.

  45. Subject: Zarifi Geneology
    Date: 05-10-2003 10:35
    Received: 05-10-2003 13:36
    From: Lely Kyriakopoulou, lelypk@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher Long, It's years since I looked at your site and I am amazed by the work [Genealogies and Histories of Chios] you have done. Congratulations! I have just glanced at it, and will return with further comments at a later date. I just wanted to tell you that we spell 'Iossifoglu' with an 'I', and none of the documents I have from my father spell it in any other way. 'Charalambos' is now spelt with an 'H', thus Haris Kyriakopoulos and not Charis. (Note that the transliteration of Greek names has recently been adjusted by law in Greece, and is horrible and will cause endless confusion in the future, but one might stick to the way families prefer to spell their names.)... Best wishes to you and again congratulations, Lely (Iossifoglu) Kyriakopoulou

  46. Subject: The Beechams
    Date: 04-10-2003 20:03
    Received: 04-10-2003 20:55
    From: mimi, pennylan@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, I happened to be browsing around and fell upon the book you wrote with Michael Beecham. I would love to read it, because I was fortunate enough to have met his brother Christopher, at the l0th anniversary party of the founding of the state of Israel. I was working as a freelance journalist at the time and Christopher thought that was extremely vulgar! But suffice it to say we became friends until I immigrated to the United States in l959 and I was shocked to hear from his Secretary that Christopher had passed on at the age of, I believe, 42. I was of course terribly shocked and very upset but I have lost that letter and would dearly love to know what has happened to Christopher's family. He was as it appears, like his brother, an exceptional human being and I do so sincerely hope Michael is still alive so that I may speak to him. I so look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Mimi Parasheles.

  47. Subject: A 'Wellpark' Refugee
    Date: 03-10-2003 17:43
    Received: 03-10-2003 18:47
    From: Truong, Derek, Derek.truong@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Dear Mr Long, I have stumbled on your web page on the Vietnamese refugees, who were rescued by the HMS Wellpark 25 years ago. I was only 15 years old at the time and had always appreciated all the helps given to us many people when we first set foot on these shores. I wish to express a big THANK YOU to all your and other people's efforts in helping us settling down in the UK. Best Regards, Derek Truong.

    [... and later...]

    I think the pictures you painted in your mind about the 'boat people' 25 years ago were typical and correct but should only be applied to the adults at the time! For a 15 year old boy, I saw it differently. When I first arrived in the UK, atypically, all other members of my family were still in Vietnam, so I was not being influenced by my parents and was probably young and 'naive' enough not to question whether you and your colleagues were genuine volunteers. But I was old enough to remember and able to appreciate the reception I received from your people. I was given accommodation, food, clothing and, most importantly, full time education – from which I went on to achieve a degree in 1985. Most of the 'Wellpark' people had set the USA as their destination when they left Vietnam and had forgotten the real reason for leaving their country – Freedom! I am now living with my wife (also ex-'boat people') and our lovely 8 year old boy in [England]. I am working as a Product Design Engineer in the automotive industry... Other members of my family reunited with me in the UK in Sep 1979. Dad had never been able to get work because of the lack of English; mum & grandmum had passed away. I have two younger brothers, one is working as an actuary in an insurance firm and the other is an IT consultant in the telecom industry. My younger sister is working in the financial department for a catering company. All in all, we are quite pleased with where we are now given our background. Best Regards, Derek Truong.

  48. Subject: Quest Magazine
    Date: 30-09-2003 16:05
    Received: 30-09-2003 20:10
    From: Steve Malone, sem@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, During the 1970's there was a magazine called Quest [see Quest Magazine] that was available by subscription and at news stands here in the US. I had, during that time frame, read an article about a proposed new ski area in California called Mineral Basin. It was a fascinating article about the avalanche dangers that existed in the area of the proposed new ski area. I have been searching the internet to see if I could get a copy of this article and discovered your site. If you were or are a part of the above referenced magazine I would greatly appreciate a copy of this article. Sincerely, Steve Malone.

  49. Subject: Daniel Roberts
    Date: 30-09-2003 12:59
    Received: 30-09-2003 13:53
    From: J. Guest, BSX929@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    We appear to have a common ancestor. My GGG grandfather was Daniel Roberts who was born on 14-09-1802 at Sunny Hill, Wales, a farm near Tregaron. He married Georgiana Mence on 22-12-1827. They ran a school at Eagle House, Mitcham [Surrey, UK] and had a number of children. My GG grandfather was their eldest son – George Robert Roberts – and was a fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Your GG Grandmother appears to be his younger sister, Marianne Roberts, who married Edward Gilson. I have a lot more information on this family tree if you are interested. According to a family story, the father of Georgiana Mence, George Mence, was a bigamist! It would be interesting to hear from you.

  50. Subject: Your 4th Cousin – Mavrogordato
    Date: 27-09-2003 13:38
    Received: 28-09-2003 01:36
    From: Alex Elson, hugapug@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, Just looking for something on the internet and came across my name on your web site. I was not sure who you are but see you are the son of Helen Long [née Vlasto] whose book [Greek Fire] I have. I am apparently your 4th cousin. I am very interested that you have no details of my father, Derek Williams, who married my mother Sonia Mavorgordato. I have discovered that most of his history was fabricated and despite quite a lot of investigation I have drawn blanks. But I have reason to believe he was the illegitimate son of Lord Alfred Douglas of Oscar Wilde fame. I wonder if you looked down that road or whether you were only interested in the Chios Greeks. Look forward to hearing from you... Yours Alex S. Elson (born Alexandra Serena Williams), New Zealand.

    [... and later...]

    Dear Christopher ... Now to the mystery of Derek Williams. No birth certificate exists except for one which he claimed was a wrong duplicate. Date of birth could be Dec. 5th 1909-11 – it's different on all documents. There is plenty documented about him after about the age of 18 when he was an actor and in the navy and I have been able to find him there in several places. Before that, there is nothing. We were always led to believe that he was born in Wales (Williams of Llangibbi – father Charles Llewellyn Williams?) and mother Lady Alice (or Margaret) Douglas – second cousin of Lord Alfred Douglas. They were both supposed to have died in the First World War, he in the Rifle Regiment on the Somme. He may have had an older brother Charles (10 years older than him) who also died at the age of 10. I have tried to find them – nothing. He then went to live with an aunt in Wales with whom he didn't get on and was 'adopted' by an army friend of his father Frederick Granville Badcock. I knew him – he lived until he was 90, a bachelor. I have dug around a lot of the usual places and none of these people seem to exist. Other Christian names he used in various document were Earnest, Andrew, O'Brien – always with Derek in the front, but in no particular order. The 'Welsh aunt' who was never discussed at home died in about 1970 and left him some money. Could this have been his mother? I did look into that too but found nothing. He was obviously very well educated (pianist, linguist, etc) and used to talk about Winchester College. No record of a Derek Williams at Winchester! (Lord Alfred was educated there though). In photos as a young actor he looks absolutely identical to Lord Alfred as young man. He left my sister some Queensbury silver. Lord Alfred did have one child in his marriage. Maybe he fathered another. There is no doubt that my father had a homosexual leaning and someone who I have contacted,, who is in his 90s and who I always was told was a cousin, tells me that he was just a 'very good friend' and that my father never spoke of his ancestry to him. He always though he must be illegitimate. There were lots of Douglas and Wilde books in our house...

  51. Subject: Nadar Photograph
    Date: 24-09-2003 21:54
    Received: 25-09-2003 11:44
    From: Cliff Schumacher, cliff@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I found the picture [of Michael Zarifi] that Nadar took and I'm interested in using the image in a Guinness beer commercial. Do you know who owns the rights? Let me know. Thank you! Cliff Schumacher, Moo Studios, Los Angeles, CA USA.

    [... and later...]

    Christopher, Thank you for the response. The agency ended up purchasing another image. The picture of your great-great grandfather is wonderful. You should feel lucky to have such an historical record of your family. Best wishes Cliff Schumacher.

  52. Subject: Your Website!
    Date: 17-09-2003 14:23
    Received: 17-09-2003 15:08
    From: Pat Carline, patricianuk@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, I came upon your superb site while trying to find a site dedicated to Asprey's [of Bond Street, London], which took me to your article on exactly why you would like to commit a major act of burglary on their premises. Should you ever decide to form a 'gang' to carry out this excellent ambition, please count me 'in'. I fell in love with Asprey's when I picked up a copy of their history in a book bundle, (50 pence!), at a local rummage sale. I bought it for the early paper-back copy of a Dorothy L Sayers. Being a dedicated bookworm, naturally I read everything I bought, but I only kept the Sayers and the Asprey's! However, having discovered your site, I am keeping it and will explore it a little at a time, when I have a little time – there is so much to explore. Keep up the good work, Christopher, and I'm still hunting a good site for Asprey's. If you know of one, please let me know, so far Google has let me down! Best wishes to you and yours, Pat Carline.

  53. Subject: Marthe Janssen-Leyder
    Date: 15-09-2003 19:10
    Received: 15-09-2003 20:17
    From: Tessa Steer, tessasteer@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I found your web site a couple of days ago through a search for IS9/MI9. Your section on Escape and Evasion is of particular interest to me as my aunt, Marthe Janssen-Leyder, was part of the escape routes in Belgium. My small web site started as a tribute to her memory using material kept by my father. Recently, I was contacted by Michael Moores LeBlanc who told me how to obtain a copy of her 'Award File' from the United States Archives. I have since received a few more files on other helpers as I am very interested in following the links in the chain. However, her own small file gave me the names of three evaders who passed through her village of Eisden in 1944. An American, Charles Haupt (it was his E&E file which caused me to search for IS9) and two RAF evaders, Albert Keveren and Douglas Jennings. I have been incredibly lucky to find Doug Jennings fit and well and living about 20 miles away from Chichester [England], where I live! We discovered that it was his picture in an old Belgian newspaper article about my aunt and that he had actually visited my father on his return to England in 1944 (what a small world!). Albert and Charles joined him at Eisden. He told me that, sadly, Albert passed away in the Eighties. Doug Jennings has written a book – his personal recollections from 1939 to 1945. He gave me his last privately printed copy. To date, he has not been able to find a publisher interested in it. However, I found it absolutely fascinating. He describes everything so vividly and with humour throughout. His early training in the RAF, (an eye-opener), his missions, his evasion, and his return to flying duties, dropping the Tallboy bomb from January 1945. There are so few of these marvellous men left to tell us what it was like. He would make a fascinating documentary all on his own. I know that World War II historians would be very interested indeed in his book were it to be published. I realise that you are an extremely busy person but I would be so grateful if you could give Doug some advice on how to get some help with his manuscript. A section of my web site is dedicated to Doug. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Tessa Steer.

  54. Subject: Defender 110
    Date: 12-09-2003 02:38
    Received: 12-09-2003 01:54
    From: robin moseby, rmoseby@[nospam]
    Reply-To: rmoseby@{nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Thank you for your informative and entertaining web page article on your [Land Rover 110] Defender. I am trying to purchase one but as I am in Adelaide, South Australia, the used ones are in short supply. So I may be forced to purchase in UK and ship to Adelaide. Where to start? Are there any reliable dealers/sellers of Defenders that you know in UK? Any help appreciated (I have a series 2A long wheel base Land Rover at present but the 50 mph cruising speed is a handicap for any road trip of more than an hour!). Cheers, Robin Moseby.

  55. Subject: Armand & Michaela Dennis?
    Date: 09-09-2003 12:58
    Received: 09-09-2003 19:02
    From: Peter, petesal@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher, I am sending this with the hope you could help me out. My sister lives in Australia and she keeps asking me to find out anything I can about the above people, especially film/video footage of the TV programmes. Do you know if these are available and where they could be purchased? Many thanks in advance for any help you can give. Yours, Peter.

  56. Subject: Salonika in WWl
    Date: 08-09-2003 22:47
    Received: 09-09-2003 02:34
    From: John Lockerbie, [address withheld]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I have just come across your web site dealing with Michel Vlasto and wonder if you would be able to help me. I am looking for background information relating to Salonika in the mid-twenties and its relationship with the British Intelligence Services. My grandmother went there at that time. I have no idea why but feel it may have been under direction. If you could suggest a way to approach the problem I would be extremely grateful. With kind regards, John Lockerbie.

  57. Subject: Billy Mitchell
    Date: 07-09-2003 02:41
    Received: 07-09-2003 10:54
    From: Laurie Carter, Laurielu@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, Mr. Long – I am currently reading a genealogy of the Davy family and, without going into great detail, have found reference to Gen. Billy Mitchell through his wife, Elizabeth Trumbull Miller. Unfortunately, I cannot find any reference to his wife on your web site. Did I miss it? Just wondering if you had any information on her family. Also, I would like to know more about their children. In the genealogy there is listed daughter Lucy Trumbull Mitchell (married Kenneth Newcomer Gilpin, Jr., and their son, Kenneth Newcomer Gilpin) and son William Mitchell. Gen. Mitchell is the husband of my 5th cousin, twice removed. Thank you for time, Laurie Carter

  58. Subject: Fanny Christine Gulston-Schrader
    Date: 06-09-2003 23:57
    Received: 07-09-2003 10:54
    From: [Name and address witheld]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I am currently investigating the life and the family relations of the late second wife of ... Mrs Fanny Gulston (Goldstein)-Schrader. She was born in 1874 in Bulgaria, and was, at the time of the marriage with ... Friedrich Schrader in 1903, in possession of British citizenship. She died September 1919 of cancer, alone, and without possessions, after her husband was extradited from Istanbul by the Allies. Dr Friedrich Schrader (1865-1922) was one of Germany's leading correspondents in the Middle East before the 1st World War, and a translator and critic of Turkish-Ottoman literature in German media. He worked for various newspapers including Vorwärts and Die Neue Zeit published by the SPD, the Social Democratic Party of Germany. There are reports that Fanny worked in one of the leading Greek families in Istanbul before 1903. Since you are an expert on the Greek families in Constantinople: are there any hints about a Fanny Gulston or Goldstein working in one of those families as a teacher? ... Thank you, kind regards [Name and address withheld].

  59. Subject: Churchill – Permission Request
    Date: 06-09-2003 22:03
    Received: 07-09-2003 10:54
    From: Richard Langworth, malakand@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Re: Sorting Out Sir Winston – Chartwell, 1966. I read Christopher Long's piece and found it fascinating. Might we have permission to reprint it in our journal, Finest Hour? The Churchill Centre is a non-profit, non-commercial educational organisation with branches in the USA, UK and Canada. Thanks, Richard M. Langworth, Editor, The Churchill Centre

  60. Subject: Captain Joshua Rowley Watson
    Date: 30-08-2003 17:22
    Received:30-08-2003 19:59
    From: HardingDevon@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    In 1811-1812 he was commander in the Mediterranean and took a French gunboat. Have any more information on the Captain. Thanks, Paul W. Harding.

    [... and next day...]

    Capt Joshua Rowley Watson: [In a book by Kathleen A. Foster published in 1997 (ISBN 0 8122 33840 Page 28) she mentioned (that he) took command of the HMS Implacable once known as Duguay-Trouin. The Implacable took two prizes in tow , received prize money, returned to Plymouth and gave up his command on 7 Nov 1812. Before that he command the HMS Alfred. Searching his family. We are distant cousins. Joshua Rowley Watson married Mary Manley in Topsham. A cousin Mary Manley married William Gooding. In the future Gooding married a Harding. Thanks Paul W. Harding.

  61. Subject: Shirts
    Date: 28-08-2003 22:47
    Received: 29-08-2003 06:01
    From: Andy Stevens, andy@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I just stumbled across your web site and read your article Tale of a Thousand Shirts, which I very much enjoyed. I would consider myself to be something of a shirt collector, although my collection only numbers around 30! Tell me, do you still have a collection of over 100 shirts or have they all worn out? Also, which shirt maker in Jermyn Street [London] would you recommend for my next purchase. Regards, Andy Stevens.

  62. Subject: Mourtzanakis, Mourtzana & The Saracens
    Date: 23-08-2003 14:13
    Received: 23-08-2003 18:35
    From: Marcos Mourtzanakis, mourtzan@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, My name is Marcos Mourtzanakis and I am the author of the noble Byzantine family Mourtzanos. My family is originated from Crete since the re-conquest of the island from the Saracens. Would like your assistance: I have my family's coat of arms which is depicted on the small Venetian palace in the village of Mourtzana (family fiefdom). The contents are mainly of north African features. Since my name is derived from the Saracens whose symbol used to be the Palm tree in Crete, the palm tree is also depicted in the emblem with two branches shown on both sides, having the palm leaves but not the stem. All the three features are derived from a north African shaped huge jar. Moreover, there are two six pointed flowers carved which are different from each other (one has thin sides while the other thick) and one of them is depicted in some of the villages' villass' doors. When I'll have the opportunity to scan it, I'll send it to you if you are interested. Meanwhile, please inform me whether you can give me some light if this emblem is similar to another. Thank you, Marcos.

  63. Subject: Ballerina Box by Tallent of Old Bond Street
    Date: 19-08-2003 01:40
    Received: 19-08-2003 02:41
    From: My2Daisies@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello – I have acquired a beautiful wooden musical ballerina box made by Tallent of Old Bond Street. It was my aunt's who was born in England. I remember playing with it thirty years ago when I was young. I was wondering if you know anything about Tallent of Old Bond Street or where I could get it appraised to see its value. Thank you so much! Sharon

  64. Subject: Paul Jenks
    Date: 18-08-2003 13:32
    Received: 18-08-2003 11:21
    From: Pete Hindy, phindy@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hey there Chris, Is there anywhere where one can view Paul Jenks's photos? You have me curious now and I am also one who thinks what others have gone through should be a lesson that's not packed away and filed. Regards, Pete.

  65. Subject: Ralli Family History
    Date: 08-08-2003 17:09
    Received: 08-08-2003 17:50
    From: Simon Ralli, si@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi there, I stumbled across your web site by accident today and noticed your interest in the Ralli family. My bother Philip has the original copy of a short book entitled The Rallis of Scio which is described as a 'Pedigree of the Rallis of Scio 1700-1892' and was commissioned by our relative Alexander Pandia Ralli. This was passed to my brother by our late father. I could arrange to get a copy of this to you if it would be useful. I was unable to navigate your site as it seems to be partly under construction. Can I ask what your interest is in our family? Thanks & regards, Simon Ralli.

  66. Subject: Lenare Photo
    Date: 08-08-2003 03:05
    Received: 07-08-2003 20:03
    From: Lester Hughes, lester@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello. I am researching into an old photograph I have in my possession. It is a black and white photo by Lenare of 17 St George Street, London, and signed on the front in black crayon by him. There is a number on the back, 38943-1, and judging by the photos on your web site its a very similar image to that of Helen Vlasto. Could you please send me a larger image so I can verify it is of her? Many thanks. Lester Hughes.

  67. Subject: The Bridge – Mostar
    Date: 07-08-2003 17:21
    Received: 07-08-2003 17:24
    From: Lascari, Tadd, TJL@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Dear Mr. Long: CBS News' 60 Minutes is currently producing a piece on Mostar. We are looking for some video of the bridge being destroyed. I found out that you made a documentary that you produced entitled The Bridge – Mostar. Is it possible for you to send us a copy of this piece? We would like to look at it and possibly license some footage for use. I am located in NY, but we do have an office in London. Please let me know if you would be able to send us a copy on VHS or Beta SP. If you have any other questions, please contact me either at this email or at the number listed below. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Tadd Lascari, CBS News' 60 Minutes.

  68. Subject: Repatriated German, WWl
    Date: 03-08-2003 23:11
    Received: 03-08-2003 23:36
    From: Irene Seabrook, irene.seabrook1@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    My great grandfather was born in Germany, lived in England and married my great grandmother and had children. He was a hairdresser and lived on the Isle Of Dogs in London. Their first child was born 1892 and my grandfather was born 1899. The family story goes that in WWl my g/gf was repatriated and put on a ship to return to Germany that ship was blown up and he died. I cannot find anything about him. Can you advise me how I could find details of my German great-grandfather. Regards Irene.

  69. Subject: Alexander Mitchell's Sword?
    Date: 29-07-2003 14:28
    Received: 29-07-2003 17:02
    From: Carrie, clmathes@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    My husband and I have acquired a sword that has the name Alexander Mitchell engraved on the sword and his initials engraved on the ivory of the handle. I am at a loss trying to get some history on this and when I click on a site it had your relatives and listed was a Alexander Mitchell..This sword looks old but the only part that baffles me is that it had Ambross Kent & Sons [Ambrose?] on the sword closer to the handle. Under the names it has Toronto, ON. Thought maybe you could shed some light on this sword or on this fellow. Thanks.

  70. Subject: Marie-Louise Dissard
    Date: 27-07-2003 12:56
    Received: 27-07-2003 19:51
    From: Mark Ford, mark@[nospam]
    To: Christopher Long,

    You may remember some contacts we had back in January regarding an escape and evasion line called Dutch-Paris. I am working on a video documentary about the line's organizer, Jean Weidner, and have found some interesting connections between Dutch-Paris and the Pat Line – or at least a remnant of it. In the autumn of 1943, Dutch-Paris began to expand its operation to include air crews. This appears to have been a major shift in policy, perhaps due to the deteriorating situation in France. In Weidner's files, I have come across an undated report on Dutch Paris by a Lt. Goodman of the US Intelligence Service that appears to document this shift: In October and November 1943 (Gabriel) Nahas made several trips to Switzerland, the most noteworthy of which concerned the passage of two British Generals – Miles and Margert – over the Dutch-Paris Switzerland-Spain escape route. After the safe conclusion of this affair, Nahas was sent (this statement was Weidner's and presumably means sent by himself) to the home of Victor Farrel in Geneva who put him in contact with Françoise of Toulouse. Françoise [Marie-Louise Dissard], by this time, had inherited the Pat O'Leary organization and was running an evasion line for allied pilots. At the time of the meeting (Dec 1943) Françoise was isolated and her guides and convoyers were dispersed. There was a three-way coalition with Nahas putting his 'réseau' at Françoise's disposal and the Dutch-Paris Toulouse operatives joining hands with the coalition. The Dutch-Paris interests were represented by Jacques Rens, Edmond Chait, and Suzy Kraay, and the connection can be easily seen by comparing the Group Toulouse D.P. and the Françoise-Georges schematics (both here enclosed). Gabriel Nahas had been running an escape line over the Pyrenees for some time, at least since early Spring of '43 if not before. When he joined up with Weidner's line (June 1943), he continued to run independent operations – such as the British generals – much to Weidner's annoyance. In any case, Nahas linked up with Françoise and the remnants of the O'Leary line, and the three lines worked in concert. Though both Goodman and Weidner refer to Françoise several times, I have not been able to find any other information about her. She is described as being quite capable, courageous, and persistent. Have you heard of her, or might you know her real name (I am assuming Françoise was her cover ID) [Marie-Louise Dissard – CAL]? I searched the articles I found on your web site and did not find a reference to anyone named Françoise. Thanks. Mark Ford.

    [... and the next day...]

    On a second look, I found a helpful explanation of Marie-Louise Dissard on your web site, summarizing the Pat O'Leary Line. I also found some other links on the web, mostly in French, to her activities. Unfortunately, I can't read French very well, so it will take me a while to get through them... Nahas wrote a book about his work, available only in French, of which there is a copy in the Weidner archive near Boston, Mass. USA... It may be that Nahas' fiancé, Simone Calmels, was instrumental in bringing Nahas into contact with Weidner. Simone worked for Weidner as a courier for two months before Nahas joined the line in June '43, though it appears he was already doing evasion work on his own. Mark Ford.

    [N.B. On this site and elsewhere the name Dissard was sometimes wrongly spelt Dissart. This was corrected on my pages on 10-11-2003 thanks to information from Michael Moores LeBlanc — CAL]

  71. Subject: Churchill
    Date: 21-07-2003 14:32
    Received: 21-07-2003 20:04
    From: Steve Marks, smarks@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I have just read your fascinating account of your work at Chartwell in 1966. As an avid fountain pen collector, I am trying to discover the various pens used by the great man. It seems generally accepted that he used Conway Stewart pens and I recently came across details of an account bill from Mabie Tod & Co. I have also heard some reference to a preference for a pen by the Wyvern Fountain Pen Company (a model favoured by King George VI). I would greatly appreciate hearing from you if you have any further light to shed on this subject. Yours, Stephen Marks.

  72. Subject: Sechiari Genealogy
    Date: 21-07-2003 12:13
    Received: 21-07-2003 20:04
    From: frederic.dunod@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Christopher, By way of introduction, I am one of the many descendants of Ambroise Sechiari. I recently discovered your site on the web and was impressed by the amount of information you have compiled. It is really fascinating. I logged on to your site today and was disappointed to find out that all the information relating to the descent of Theodore Sechiari and Marie Rodocanachi (of which I am part) has been removed [owing to web site re-organisation – CAL]. I was wondering why and thought I would send you a note to let you know my appreciation for the quality of your work and my regrets that the branch to which I belong is no longer presented on your site. Kind regards, Frédéric Dunod.

  73. Subject: Family History
    Date: 16-07-2003 17:47
    Received: 16-07-2003 21:02
    From: John Hart, john.d.hart@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher ... I am currently researching the life of Major Bernard Head, who served in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers in WWl and was killed at Gallipoli. I hope in time to write a 'life' of this soldier, who was also a well-known mountaineer and travelled widely across the world. On his untimely death, the bulk of Bernard Head's estate was left to his sister, Major Bernard HeadHester, who was married to Reginald John Pinney, who in turn appears on your web site in connection with the Pinney and Furze families... As principal beneficiary of Bernard's will, I assume that Hester Head/Pinney might also have been the recipient of her brother's personal papers and letters, and I would be very interested in consulting any of these which survive. I don't know if you can suggest anyone whom I could contact to see if they have any material relating to Bernard Head? I know it may be a bit of a long shot, but it would add so much flesh to the bones of my research if I could find something that had been written by the man himself (as opposed to just Army career details, which form the bulk of my current background reading)... Cheers, John [Hart].

  74. Subject: History
    Date: 15-07-2003 19:47
    Received: 15-07-2003 20:06
    From: Alain Cavaillé, alain-cavaille@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Very hard and exciting job you do! I'm always interested by history... and friendship.

  75. Subject: Patois Pronunciation
    Date: 14-07-2003 00:22
    Received: 14-07-2003 02:31
    From: Johan Colpaert, jomarco@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Sir, I'm planning to visit Normandy this summer and as I was choosing the village to discover during my holidays in August. I found your interesting web site. I have an answer for your question regarding the word Bianche. As far as I know the word for 'white' in Spanish is still blanco. On the other hand, the Italian word for white is bianco. Probably the Normans took over the word from the Italians during trading. Kind regards, Johan Colpaert, Lovendegem, Belgium. P.S. See you in Normandy somewhere in August.

  76. Subject: Boer War Veterans
    Date: 10-07-2003 01:52
    Received: 10-07-2003 10:09
    From: Mum@[nospam]Dad, fdeabol@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Sir, Could you please advise how I can find out if my grandfather served in the Boer War. Regards, Frank Bolingford, Auckland, NZ.

  77. Subject: Eumorfopoulos Family
    Date: 08-07-2003 09:36
    Received: 08-07-2003 09:55
    From: BAKER480@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi there. Just wondered if you could help me. Am interested a little bit about my family tree – what people did and if there are any old photos. My nan died few months ago but never really spoke much about her family but my mum talks about some of the family on her mum's side, well, what she knows. I would like to put bits and pieces l have heard together. Can't seem to find out any more info on the net. Heard stories like him [George Eumorfopoulos] having tea parties and inviting royalty to them. Here is some of what l have found out so far. My nan is Mariora Eumorfopoulos. She died in March 2003. I think she was born 1911. She is my mum's mother. Don't know who her parents where or names but her dad's brother was George Aristides Eumorfopoulos. He was born 1864, died in 1939 roughly. He was a British wealthy collector of Greek ancestry. He lived in Chelsea, London and was vice-president of Ralli Bros which was (but not sure) a merchant trading empire. l know after many years he eventually moved to Sussex – I think after the war [WWll] to a place in Crawley Down. His mother was Mariora Scaramanga and was his father George Nicola Eumorfopoulos? I know George Eumorfopoulos has a collection in British Museum in London. My nan's sister was called Mika Eumorfopoulos. She died a good few years ago now. She had a very large house in Wilderness Lane, Hadlow Down, Sussex. It got sold when she died but I remember going there when little. Would be really grateful if you have any info on my family history or tales photos of any of them. Thank you, Amanda.

    [The facts in the above are broadly correct – CAL]

  78. Subject: Argyros Name
    Date: 08-07-2003 06:55
    Received: 08-07-2003 09:55
    From: HansD53@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, ... I have just begun to read through your site as I have been searching for information on the Argyros family – my grandfather's surname (the family Argyropoulou/Argyropoulos) in Greece. My grandfather came from the Peloponnese but I have found the name all the way back to about 900 A. D. at the time of Constantine. I asked my family in Greece about this but we have had trouble trying to trace the family. So I was seeking more info. on the Argyros name. I think your site is wonderful. I must return because it is full of information and you have put so much time into it. My interest is not limited to the genealogical only, but that is what I was searching for to begin with. I have an interest in journalism and design also and find your site is set up in an easy manner to navigate for all the information you have within it. Thank you for sharing this wealth of work with the public. I look forward to reading all of your documentation and especially around Greece. The site is filled with intrigue throughout so will not restrain my exploration of the resources. I did not know that the Argyros family had Arms or what they were and will look forward to reading your Vlasto line as the Greeks are very proud of our inclusive heritage! Thanks for your wonderful work! I will visit again when time permits! (This comment will need editing; forgive me, it is late – too many adverbs and prepositional phrases at this time of evening!) To wait for perfection means perhaps never to send, so I will let it fly across the sea despite inferiority of grammar and style! My education in writing will be greatly improved upon when I read your site and your style. [Alfred Lord Tennyson said: The Greater Man, The Greater Courtesy and in my career it is true that my encounters in the business world with a list of accomplishments such as yours have always forgiven shortcomings and encouraged improvement and my belief is you will too! That has been unanimous across the board; perhaps because they all work so hard to achieve their skill and each has made a point in their lives to serve others; what inspiration!]. Kind regards, Diana (Artemis).

  79. Subject: Mavrocordato
    Date: 08-07-2003 00:19
    Received: 08-07-2003 02:54
    From: falk@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long! Can you help me with some information about Mavrocordato family in Russia? The surname of my wife's grandmother was Mavrocordato, but during the years of Soviet power we've lost all connections with this family. Yours sincerely, Ilya Falkovsky, Moscow.

  80. Subject: Kingsford
    Date: 05-07-2003 11:54
    Received: 05-07-2003 12:43
    From: Deborah Worwood, deborah.worwood@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I just thought you may be interested [see Long family genealogy] to know that my g-g-g-grandmother was Frances Ann Kingsford of Ash, Kent, England. She was baptised on 19th January 1808 in Ash and married Stephen Newing in 1828. I think her mother was Susan or Susannah Kingsford. Please e-mail me if you would like more information. Debbie Worwood.

  81. Subject: Ralli Family in the USA
    Date: 03-07-2003 00:30
    Received: 03-07-2003 00:32
    From: Constantine Ralli, CRALLI@[nospam]LLGM.COM
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr. Long, The information in your web cite is quite amazing. As you can tell from my name, I am a Ralli. I am the son of the Pandia Constantine Ralli ... in your list of Ralli descendants. Are you looking for updated information on my branch of the Ralli family? If so, it would be easiest for me to write it out and send it to you... Sincerely, Constantine 'Ty' Ralli.

  82. Subject: Petrocochino – Couvela Family
    Date: 30-06-2003 11:55
    Received: 30-06-2003 12:22
    From: Ken Crompton, crompton@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, Congratulations on your excellent site! As a Crompton family historian I am very impressed by your work. It is a stunning effort. I am writing to add another piece to your jigsaw puzzle. One of my forebears (James Crompton) had a grand-daughter Jennie Frances Crompton who married John Couvela in 1903 in London. John was apparently a partner in the firm of Petrocochino Bros. Jennie's father Henry Crompton (son of James Crompton) worked in the firm. John Couvela's father also a John Couvela was a partner in Petrocochino Bros and he had married the daughter of one of the elder partners, Chariclia Petrocochino. Apparently Chariclia's mother was a Ralli and her father's mother a Rodocanachi. The Couvelas also escaped from Chios. You will find this information at including a family tree. John and Jennie's son Demosthenes changed the family name to Crompton-Couvela. I found a branch here in Australia a couple of years ago in Busselton, Western Australia... Kind regards, Ken Crompton LL.B

  83. Subject: Lionel Peter Ralli d. 1918
    Date: 24-06-2003 18:23
    Received: 24-06-2003 19:23
    From: Patrick O'Dwyer, hussars@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Can you help me with trying to find a photo of the above member of the Ralli family who died in 1918 with the 20th Hussars? I research this Regiment and am trying to get photos of all Officers at that time. Kind regards, Patrick

  84. Subject: Chilvers Petrocochino
    Date: 20-06-2003 15:55
    Received: 20-06-2003 20:02
    From: Arlene Frolick, afrolick@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher, Your name was suggested to be by Richard Chilvers of the one-name Chilvers study group. I recently received the marriage certificate of my great uncle, through marriage, Arthur Blomfield Barrat who married Chilvers Petrocochino on 2 March 1892 in the Register Office, Kensington, London. On the certificate, the 22 year old bride lived at 27 Paddington Green, Kensington. She would be born ca 1870. Chilver's father was Hastings Petrocochino, deceased, per the 1892 marriage certificate. 'Chilvers' is an odd first name, so it could be that this was her mother's maiden name. Do these names appear in your records? I've noted on various census records and Civil Reg. of Births, Marriages and Deaths for UK that there are other Petrocochino names in Paddington. What nationality is Petrocochino? I rather suspect Italian? Thank you for any information you can provide. Arlene Frolick Regina, Sask., Canada.
    PS – An interesting story about Arthur and Chilvers: it seems their marriage didn't work out. On the 1901 British census, Arthur is listed living with his parents. Arthur emigrated to Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1903 by himself. He made a few trips back and forth to England. On one such trip back to Canada in 1905, and while on the boat, he met my great aunt, who was on her way to Canada to marry someone else. Arthur and my great aunt, Ethelinda, fell in love and 'married' in October 1905. Their two children (who were playmates of my father and his sisters) knew they were illegitimate because Arthur had left a wife in England.

  85. Subject: Politis Family
    Date: 17-06-2003 01:47
    Received: 17-06-2003 14:13
    From: George Politis, gpolitis@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher, my name is George Politis. I live in Canada. I came upon your web site recently and was amazed at the information and material you have compiled with regards to the genealogy of the name Rallis. I noticed that the name Politis is part of the family tree. I have been searching desperately to find my roots. Recently I have been granted my own new coat-of-arms and family crest by the Governor General of Canada. I would like to know if there was a coat-of-arms in my roots. My grandfather told me that there were 5 brothers with the surname Papadopoulos who fled from the Turks during the massacre. The name Politis was given to them as an alias and as a result we have been Politis's since. The legend goes on to say that the brothers settled in different places of Greece and abroad. Is it possible to link my heritage to the Rallis genealogy with these events? Is it possible to prove our common heritages by means of a DNA analysis?

  86. Subject: Galati Family
    Date: 17-06-2003 01:22
    Received: 17-06-2003 14:13
    From: Toumazis Toumazis, toum2@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr. Long, My name is Toumazis Toumazis and I come from Cyprus. I found your Galati family tree. Are there any clues showing where the name Toumazis derives from? I am Greek-Cypriot. Or is there a chance that I am connected to the Galati family? Hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely.

  87. Subject: Peter (Pantias) Calvocoressi
    Date: 16-06-2003 19:53
    Received: 17-06-2003 01:16
    From: Stephen Mallinson, Stephen.Mallinson@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am trying to trace people who may have worked in Hut 3, Bletchley Park during WW2 and who were colleagues of Professor Brinley Newton-John. From your web site, I found Mr Calvocoressi's name and wondered whether I might be able to contact him. Any help would be appreciated, Kind regards, Stephen R Mallinson, Cambridge, UK.

  88. Subject: Castanos
    Date: 13-06-2003 08:24
    Received: 14-06-2003 07:18
    From: Castanos, George (AP - Australia), George.Castanos@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher, I came across your page in search of Chios historical info, in particular further information on the family 'Castanos'. I did find one reference to a George Castanos who was married to Despina Rodocanachi in the 19th century. I could not find any further reference and hope that you could provide any details. I am the 3rd generation here in Australia and can advise that Nicholas Castanos arrived in Australia, from Chios pre WW1. Kind regards. PS: I have enjoyed wandering thru your site.

  89. Subject: Chios History
    Date: 12-06-2003 17:37
    Received: 13-06-2003 08:26
    From: ChiosJJC@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr. Long: I was pleased to come upon your site, and read your treatise on the massacre of Chios. I am in the process of attempting to publish a History of Chios. Some of the material is from the work of one of your ancestors Alexander M. Vlasto. I believe it is rewarding to go back to one's roots. Contrary to your suggestion I urge people to visit Chios. I travel there regularly. As for the incident you related, it is most unfortunate and disgusting. Unfortunately, the police have not overcome their peasant mores. In this cultural environment, those of authority are expected to be overbearing, and no one should challenge their authority. As for the famous families of Chios, I dedicate a whole chapter on the subject. I believe that in the early nineteenth century there lived in Chios possibly the greatest aristocracy in the world, when measured as a percentage of the population. I have some very interesting material to share with you. I am thrilled to make acquaintance of a Chian, named (Long). Best Regards, John Contoudis

  90. Subject: The Chios Earthquake, 1881
    Date: 10-06-2003 16:36
    Received: 10-06-2003 19:00
    From: Debbie Petrides, debbie@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr. Long, First I want to tell you that I very much enjoy your website which discusses the genealogy of the Chian families. Being of Chian descent myself I find it helpful in understanding what my ancestors went through. I was reading what you wrote about how many 'victims' from the earthquake and how many survived. The number that was on your page was 3,550 killed (that's accurate) but that only 10,000 survived. This is inaccurate. Please visit this website: It is in Greek, it is a magazine put out 2-3 times a month by a man in Dafnonas, Chios. Maybe you can have someone translate it for you if there is a language barrier. In this particular article the man who prints the magazine has added excerpts from a book by Dimitri Melahrinoudi which itself quotes this source: Hubert Pernot Etudes De Linguistique Neo-Hellenique, Vol V1, p.61 (I don't read French but whatever that means) Anyway what I'm trying to say is that the book claims 66,573 survivors of the earthquake. I'm apt to believe this because there were more than 10,000 people living in Chios in 1881. Despite this, I wanted to let you know that in my genealogy I have 2 last names which are listed on your website. I'll address only Direct ancestors because they are of course direct. The surnames that I share with you are Casanova and Kalamaras (I see on your page its Kalamaris.. same family? I don't know). I have gone back to 3rd great-grandparents (no records, all word of mouth – my great-grandma's 1st cousin is still alive and helped). They were all living in Chios though the 1st generation (1840's) I have no idea where they were born. What do you do when there are limited records? Would anyone take my research seriously (except my family of course) I will get what papers I can but even without I am 99.9% sure of my findings. Some other direct ancestor surnames I claim but I haven't seen on your site (again all living in Chios) are Kontoudis, Sideratos, Politis, Giannoulakis, Begakis, Manolias, Koufos, Sideridis, Haviaras and Mamounas. I've researched back to the point where I'm beginning to suspect my ancestors withstood the massacre by hiding in a cave... I can't seem to reach the point of 'migration into Chios' from elsewhere... If it turns out and every branch survived the massacre they would be truly amazing... which makes me wonder if anyone would actually beleive my research! I would love to hear your ideas on this. Hope to hear from you soon, Debbie Sideratos-Petrides.

  91. Subject: McClatchie, Scotland
    Date: 10-06-2003 16:36
    Received: 10-06-2003 19:00
    From: Philip Hunter, PhilH@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Does the name McClatchie and the country of Scotland enter anywhere in your trace? If so I might be able to help. Phil (father's name Allan John Pollock McClatchie Hunter)

  92. Subject: Hello and Thank You
    Date: 09-06-2003 16:17
    Received: 10-06-2003 08:33
    From: Christopher Clarke, clarkechristo@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, I am celebrating 20 years of living in London this year and was looking through the internet to see if I could find any news/info of/from the period. Your webpage popped up and I had a look. I just wanted to say how brilliant I think it is and having looked through all your other pages you have been a busy man. I would like to wish you well and thank you deeply for providing me with the information I sought. Yours truly, Christopher Clarke.

  93. Subject: Louis Desormeaux and Family
    Date: 05-06-2003 12:45
    Received: 05-06-2003 14:27
    From: Elisabeth Burton, lis_burton@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, We seem to be related, albeit somewhat distantly and through marriage, and I thought I would like to share some of my findings with you and they may fill in some gaps. I must say I have a passion for Louis Desormeaux. He is the only Huguenot in that side of our family and I have spent a lot of time researching his past. It all started when I came across the marriage of one of my sons' ancestors that took place in Spitalfields Christchurch 9 May1782 between Samuel Burton and Mary Ann Gilson. The witnesses were John Gilson Jnr and J L Desormeaux...

    [... here she provides a large amount of meticulously researched information on the Desormeaux family, their relations and descendants...]

    I should tell you that I am actually in Australia so most of my research is done wandering through the Internet. I have some Dutch ancestry and some if the Dutch archives are putting indexes of their records online and every now and again I do a search on Desormeaux just to see what comes up so I get an idea of how common a name it is. I don't often find much. They use different search methods and some of the archives have 'sounds like' options which are not always particularly good at finding what I reckon they should... Anyway, I would be interested if you agree the information I have about Louis has a fair chance of being relevant. I look forward to hearing from you, Yours sincerely, Elisabeth Burton.

  94. Subject: Matthew Richardson in Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Date: 04-06-2003 18:05
    Received: 05-06-2003 17:38
    From: Michele Raymond, hovey@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, I'm working on a history of the Northwest Arm of Halifax, and in searching the net for images of 'Studley', a house which stood on the Arm of Halifax from ca. 1801, I've come across your genealogical webpages. I am writing:
    (1) To ask whether you've ever encountered an image – interior or exterior – of Studley, (or "Studley House"). The house was built by Alexander Croke, judge of court of Vice-Admiralty during Napoleonic wars, and sold to Matthew Richardson and his wife Louisa Macintosh in 1820, burned in Feb 1831, and was rebuilt. As you know, Matthew and Louisa stayed in the house until their deaths)
    (2) To let you know that a biography of Mather Byles Almon (Banker, Builder, Blockade-Runner by Pat Lotz), has just been published, under the Gaspereau Press imprint. The author found herself researching Matthew Richardson in the course of the writing I know.
    If you can help me at all, I would be most grateful, and I can certainly tell you more about Studley, if you want to know! Many thanks, MHR.

  95. Subject: Edith Hood Sketches
    Date: 04-06-2003 17:29
    Received: 04-06-2003 17:52
    From: robert WOODHOUSE, rob@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher Long, Regarding the oval drawing with colourwash attributed to Edith Hood on your impressive website. I have an oval drawing of 'Hebe' monogrammed 'EH'. There is a strong facial resemblance between Hebe and the subject of your sketch. The attachment to this email is a scan of the monogram. Is there a similarity? Kind regards, Rob Woodhouse. Wales.

  96. Subject: Family 'Scaramanga'
    Date: 04-06-2003 08:29
    Received: 04-06-2003 10:14
    From: thierry cohen,[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I'd seen your website about the genealogy of Scaramanga family. Please, can you tell me if in this family you find a woman called Michele Scaramanga, born at Nice/France in January 1947, married with Mr. Gérard Teboul. The mother of Michele is deceased since few years ago in Italy at San Remo. They maybe live in Italy. I'm trying to contact them. Best regards, Catherine, French genealogist/Paris

    [... and later...]

    ... In your website, I'd seen that you study the First and Second World Wars. I'm actually working on an old French affair, maybe you'll be interested by it? This is the 'Seznec affair' (1923). It is in relation with French scandals between the past two wars and the sold of American supply to Djerzinsky Félix by USA via France. I do research about it for the rehabilitation of an old prisoner (condemned to pass 25 years in French Guyana) who was accused of the murder of his friend (a French politician). Best wishes, Catherine

  97. Subject: Croatia / Bosnia
    Date: 30-05-2003 23:51
    Received: 30-05-2003 23:55
    From: rep_of_croatia, rep_of_croatia@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi – I was just checking through stuff on the internet and came across a report of yours about our demos in London. It brought back memories since I was there waving the flag of my wife's country and demanding an end to war brought to my wife's town by Milosevic and his sidekicks. Just thought you might be interested since I note you've been following events in the former Yugoslavia since the war. I also thought you might be interested in reading something I wrote at the time – a novel set in Sarajevo 1992. Well maybe! Best wishes – Tony Mottram, Wandsworth.

    [... actually, an eye witness reporting events in the front lines for eight years!]

  98. Subject: Death Is Nothing At All
    Date: 26-05-2003 14:08
    Received: 26-05-2003 16:57
    From: Rex Klye, cogent1@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I have only recently become acquainted with Henry Scott Holland's canon Death Is Nothing At All and, drawn by the beautiful words, I went to the internet to further explore the author's work. This led me to the interesting, enlightening and inspiring countryside of your website, discovered today. I look forward to many more journeys in this rich territory. In several websites obtained by searching 'henry scott holland' with the Google search engine, I have found minor variations in the text, and I am writing to you to ask for clarification of the text of the canon as written by its author. Yours sincerely, Rex Klye

  99. Subject: Family Tree
    Date: 25-05-2003 20:15
    Received: 25-05-2003 21:43
    From: HOLMERICHARD@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, I have looked at your [Long family] tree and can add things to the Iva Basden bit. I am married to Richard Holme, son of John Holme. Denise.

  100. Subject: SOE Veterans
    Date: 23-05-2003 02:29
    Received: 23-05-2003 10:27
    From: BRIAGAR@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Thanks for posting such an excellent website. For a new biography of the late Col. Richard Meinertzhagen, I was advised by (the also late, unfortunately) Col. Sir Peter Wilkinson to seek out early veterans of the S.O.E. who may have known one or both officers. Wilkinson served in the field as well as in London. Meinertzhagen, then in his 60s, worked only in London so far as I know, but I'm trying to clarify the exact nature of his position and assignments. Am seeking any personal or operational recollections regarding either or both gentlemen, with special emphasis on the period 1938-1942. Thanks very much, all. Please send a copy of any posted reply to me at – Brian Garfield. (I'm in the U.S. and feel obliged to apologize for any American spelling eccentricities.)

  101. Subject: The Little Princess Who Grew And Grew
    Date: 20-05-2003 17:37
    Received: 20-05-2003 17:44
    From: KoolTeevan@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    What is this story about? If there's symbolism, please explain it to me. Why did the princess grow when she got got measured? What caused it?

  102. Subject: Stebbings and Filby
    Date: 15-05-2003 11:49
    Received: 15-05-2003 12:36
    From: Karen Westdijk, karen.westdijk@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, I came across your family tree on the web and would like to inform you I have Stebbings and Filby ancestors from Cranworth and wondered if you had any other info you would be able to share with me? My direct ancestor was Elizabeth Filby, born about 1768 in Cranworth. (Her father was Edward Filby – mother Mary High). She married Henry Stebbings about 1787. I actually visited the church at Letton (next village) last week as it isn't a million miles from where I live, and found many Stebbings and Filby graves. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Karen Westdijk

    [... and later...]

    ... Have visited the churches already in Shipdham (yes it has a 'd' in it) – didn't see any Filbys but my Stebbings (Russells) were there... The Church in Cranworth was demolished a long, long time ago and apparently only the foundations remain, but we couldn't find it. The church at Letton was beautiful. Outside the gates are the remains of the old stocks, and at the rear of the church we found a huge plot of about 15 Stebbings graves, and as I was leaving I noticed 3 or 4 stones placed in the actual wall of the church which had Filby surnames, but they were so badly eroded I couldn't make more than that out. The church itself was closed. I hope to go to the Filby reunion with my mother in the summer, but I'm sure we'll go back before then to do some more exploration. The Filby Association has also asked one of their researchers with the same relatives as me to get in touch. I understand from Jim Filby at the Filby Association, that Edward Filby's father was a John, married to a Mary, but do not have exact details yet...

  103. Subject: Thank You
    Date: 15-05-2003 04:31
    Received: 15-05-2003 07:27
    From: Jane Loves Jesus, janelovesjesus@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful detail added to my picture of [General] Billy Mitchell. I just happened to catch the movie on cable... I grew up in Milwaukee & thought I should watch the movie, as I knew next to nothing about this war hero, except for that the airport is named after him! (How embarrassing for me.) The movie really left me wanting to know more... thanks for filling in some of the blanks for me! I'll be sure my homeschooled children have a lesson on General Billy Mitchell! – Jane de Gisi

  104. Subject: Admiral Richardson
    Date: 15-05-2003 04:31
    Received: 15-05-2003 07:27
    From: Skipper Steely, wrightpress@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Chris: I am writing a book on Admiral J. O. Richardson. Watched again the movie on [General Billy] Mitchell, and it dawned upon me that JOR was in [Washington] D.C. in 1925, probably very aware of the trial. Richardson's cousin/step-brother was General W. P. Dick Richardson, whom I'm sure Mitchell knew. Wonder if Mitchell's predictions about Pearl Harbor later formulated Richardson's idea that the Fleet must be moved back to the west coast? Skipper Steely, Paris, Texas.

  105. Subject: Mavroyeni/Zarifi/Zafiropulo
    Date: 10-05-2003 18:01
    Received: 10-05-2003 20:24
    From: Rémy Benoit, remy.benoit@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Sir, I discovered your marvellous web site searching the name Mavroyeni, who are the ancestors of my wife Nathalie de Bykhovetz. To my surprise, digging in the vast amount of data which is there, I found a number of her cousins and relatives – 14 names match your list. The nearest cousin and of the same generation (yours and hers), is Teddy Zarifi of Marseille. I am myself far-related to the [François] Charles-Roux of the same list. Her mother's name is Helene Zafiropulo. The Zarifi and the Zafiropulo, inter-married all along the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They were associated in business at least since 1840. Even now, Teddy Zarifi and my brother in law, Nicolas Hahn de Bykhovetz, manage together a venture capital fund in Marseille – Z & Z Capital Risque. The mother of Helene and Costia Zafiropulo was Marie-Madon Mavroyeni of very old Phanariot stock, which gave Drogmans and Hospodars to the Ottomans and Logothete and various civil officers to the Ecumenical Patriarcate. Their grand-father was vizier and pasha of the last Sultan, Abdulhamid II, from 1883-1902. Both their father and uncle worked for Ralli Freres [Ralli Brothers] before becoming civil servants, one as ambassador to Washington, then, as Prince of Samos, the other as consul in Marseille. I have put in attachment an extract of the genealogy of the Mavroyeni and of the Zarifi-Zafiropulo, which I had written in preparation of a family trip to Istanbul... Best regards, Rémy Benoit

  106. Subject: The Greek Diaspora
    Date: 07-05-2003 18:54
    Received: 07-05-2003 19:33
    From: Christopher Richards, cmrichards@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I found your Vouro descendants site with interest because I have links with both the Ionides and the Manuel families who appear as minor players who linked up with the Chios Diaspora in London. One of my gt gt grandfathers was Alexander Basilio Manuel, who gives his occupation on my gt grandmother's birth certificate as 'Merchant of Constantinople'. I imagine this means that he was born there. He was the elder brother of Miltiades Basil Manuel who appears on your web site. He married my gt gt grandmother Frances Corlett, probably in Malta but his children were born in Gibraltar, South London, Lancashire and Cheshire, so I guess they had connections with his mother's family – the Ionides who were also I think in the cloth trade. Alexander Basilio died in Bowdon nr Hale in 1870. It looks like it was TB. His mother was Euphrosyne Ionides daughter of Lucas John Ionides and Katingo Muruzi. (Most of this information comes from Dorothy Butterworth's family tree of the Ionides done in the 1930s). The name Euphrosyne was used down to my Grandmother Euphrosyne Whitaker (born in Palermo, 1883). My father had an elder sister also called Euphrosyne who died as an infant in 1908 and my gt grandmother expressed the view that had I been a girl I should have been called Euphrosyne also! I expect you have put all that you know about the Ionides and Manuels on your web site but if you have any contacts who would not mind being contacted and who are interested in their family history I would be interested in following them up. My web site... Christopher Richards

  107. Subject: Question
    Date: 04-05-2003 04:31
    Received: 04-05-2003 11:01
    From: babalu, babalu@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Would you please recommend other web sites with more detailed information about the Escape Lines in Europe in WOW, especially the Marie-Clare Line [Marie-Claire] in particular? Thank you, Mrs. Craig.

  108. Subject: TV Proposal
    Date: 02-05-2003 13:59
    Received: 02-05-2003 15:27
    From: Christine Chambers, christine_chambers@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, I work as a development producer for Wark Clements & Co, a very successful TV company based in Glasgow. We make programmes for all the main broadcasters in Britain and abroad. We are particularly known for making high quality documentaries and history programmes. For example we are currently completing a major 10 series for C4 on WW1. As you know, the 25th Anniversary of the arrival of the rescued by the Wellpark is approaching. I wondered if you felt there was a documentary to make about the experiences of people then, and their experiences in Britain since. I gather from your web site that you may be in touch with some of the people rescued by the Wellpark, and would be interested to know what has happened to them. I also wondered if you know what footage might exist of the rescue, arrival in Britain, etc. I seem to remember as child that Blue Peter gave this story a lot of attention. I would very much appreciate a conversation with you to discuss this in more detail. Best wishes, Christine Chambers.

  109. Subject: Evening Standard in The Seventies
    Date: 01-05-2003 15:35
    Received: 01-05-2003 19:59
    From: Kate Ford, kateford@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Dear Christopher, I came across your site today and wondered if you could help me. My father, Mike Ford, was a journalist throughout the Sixties and Seventies. He died in 1978 and up until this time worked for Westminster Press as deputy news editor and London chief reporter. He also worked as a reporter for the
    Evening Standard. My mother kept all of his clippings but a few years ago they were tragically lost so we don't have any copies of his work. It's a bit of a long shot but I wondered if you knew him or if you had any of copies of the Evening Standard that might contain his work. Kind regards, Kate Ford

  110. Subject: Athanasius Constantine Demetriadi
    Date: 25-04-2003 18:24
    Received: 25-04-2003 22:17
    From: Motorhistorica@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, This is very much a long shot but I am attempting to determine biographical details of Athanasius Constantine Demetriadi. He lived at Heathlands, Hilton Lane, Prestwich, Manchester – certainly from 1911 up to 1933 – and he may have had a brother George (The Holme, Sedgeley Park, Prestwich – 1911). Athanasius was a director of Ralli Bros of Salford, a large trading company with connections to India, as you will well know. I am sorry to worry you with this but it is rather frustrating. I was taken to your site with a reference to him in Google – this said: The Zarifi Family "... Euthymopulo, Augustus Alexander Vlasto and George Constantine Demetriadi. Directors: Henri Frederick Pfister, Athanasius Constantine Demetriadi, Pandias John Ralli..." and yet I cannot find him in your index. I have certain detail from Bury archives but I am trying to get closer to the man than just directory inserts. He, like George, was a Rolls-Royce owner – both buying their Silver Ghosts in 1911. Any help or detail would be most welcome. It would appear that he was possibly a bachelor but I am not certain on this. On the PRO 1901 census there is a Stephen Demetriadi at The Heathlands, Prestwich – aged 21 – a salesman of east Indian produce in his own right. He will be the later Sir Stephen, born 1880 whose father was C. E. Demetriadi: From Bury archives: Dated 27/06/08 – Mr C. E. Demetriadi:'Mr Constantine E Demetriadi, head of Ralli Brothers, the well known Manchester shippers, of Peter Street, died on Thursday at his residence, the Heathlands, Prestwich, at the age of sixty four years. All his business life had been passed with the firm and for a time he represented it at Calcutta. Mr Demetriadi was a member of the Manchester Reform Club. A memorial service will be held to-day at the Greek Church, Higher Broughton'. I am sorry – this is getting rather complicated but I would love to tie Athanasius in with these other members of the family. By the way – what about pictures of the two Silver Ghosts on the web site – there have been published pics of both – they were truly grand cars. Yours sincerely, Will Morrison. MotorHistorica

    [One of both of Rolls Royces referred to above may well be those which appear among photographs of Helen Vlasto's summer house parties in England ca. 1911-13]

    [... and later...]

    Dear Christopher, This could become an involved subject – your family and their Rolls Royces. I have found 3 Zarifi Silver Ghosts – one (1911) down to J. M. Zarifi of Grosvenor Square (presumably John Michael Zarifi died 1919) – one to J. Zarifi (1911) and another to Mrs Zarifi (1911). The R-R archives should give me addresses for these members. I suspect that J. Zarifi is a different person to J. M. Zarifi as both cars were, once again, bought in 1911 [but no other John Zarifi at this date is known...]. Mrs Z bought her Ghost second-hand but very soon after it was made. Once again her card in the R-R archives should tell me the date. Here is a pic of her car and is she possibly standing with a friend/companion and chauffeur? I also attach a fine shot of J. M. Zarifi's Ghost with proud chauffeur at the wheel. Once again both from John Fasal's wonderful book 'The Edwardian Rolls-Royce'. It is full of pictures such as this and that of George's. I also saw the following on your web page – speaking of John Michael Zarifi: "He was a trustee of the marriage settlement of 1886 established between his father, Michael Zarifi, his sister Helen Zarifi, her husband Ernest-Michel Vlasto and Michael Mavrogordato which was to benefit Helen Zarifi/Vlasto's children." The Mavrogordatos were, as far as I know, prolific buyers of 'The Best Car in the World'. The claim was made initially for the Ghost and it certainly was. Regards, Will

  111. Subject: General Billy Mitchell
    Date: 23-04-2003 22:17
    Received: 23-04-2003 22:26
    From: William Swantner, seminarygrad1994@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, my name is Bill Swantner and I have a question about Billy Mitchell that I cannot find answered through the internet. Was he an only child, eldest son, etc? I'm wondering about siblings. Can you help me out? [See Mitchell Genealogy] Thank you, Bill Swantner.

  112. Subject: Wooden Horse Escape
    Date: 21-04-2003 07:51
    Received: 21-04-2003 09:48
    From: David Saunders, DavidGallip15@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, While searching the web for information on the Wooden Horse Escape I came across your most interesting web pages, hence this letter of enquiry ... [presumably prompted by Escape & Evasion]... I am endeavouring to discover the actual dates of the Wooden Horse Escape and the subsequent reaching of freedom by Eric Williams and his two companions. Do you by any chance have such detail, or can suggest who might? May I briefly turn to that part of your site devoted to Michael E T D Vlasto RN? I am the Editor of The Gallipolian for the Gallipoli Association so found your account of special interest. I wonder if you have other material on this officer and whether at some point an article might be published in The Gallipolian? Thank you. Yours sincerely, David Saunders MBE, Editor The Gallipolian

  113. Subject: William Mitchell
    Date: 18-04-2003 18:11
    Received: 18-04-2003 22:37
    From: La Place, Michael, MLaPlace@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Hello: Since you are a proud relative of Billy Mitchell, I wanted to make sure that you are aware that there is a large student residence hall at The George Washington University, Washington DC, named in his honor – William Mitchell Hall! I lived there as a graduate resident assistant in the late 1980's. It is a beautiful building and a worthy tribute. Here is a link to George Washington. Michael La Place AICP, PP, Plainsboro, NJ, USA.

  114. Subject: Negroponte/Negreponte
    Date: 15-04-2003 13:52
    Received: 15-04-2003 17:30
    From: kathleen.cambor@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr Long, My name is Kathleen Cambor. I am a graduate student in history at Yale University. As part of a project I am working on, I came across one Michel Negreponte, son of Jacques Negreponte and Despina Sinadino (who then married Victor de Lesseps). I would like to know more about Michel Negreponte, a Greek sculptor who married the grand-daughter of Victor Hugo. Do you have any more information on him or know where I could look for more information on him and his family? Also, I noticed that on your web page the name is Negroponte whereas in France the name is spelled with an 'e', as in Negreponte. Have you found this discrepancy in your research? It is still talking about the same family, am I correct? In advance, thank you for any assistance you can offer. Sincerely, Kathleen Cambor. Yale University

  115. Subject: Demetriadi Family Updates
    Date: 12-04-2003 23:56
    Received: 13-04-2003 11:14
    From: Sue Demetriadi, [address withheld]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, Julian and I are amazed at the amount of research you have put into your family tree – fabulous effort! We just thought you might like an update on a couple of things... [provided]... Your mother was a wonderful lady – we loved talking with her and have very fond memories of a day when she joined us for a surprise birthday treat for Julian at the Victoria & Albert Museum, where they'd hung Julian's granny's portrait by Watts [Agathoniki-Helen 'Nellie' Ionides 1887-1974, painted by G. F. Watts R.A. in ca. 1893] for the first time in years for his birthday. We had a private tour of the art collections and they'd created a temporary exhibition of some of the family paper portraits [Ionides Collection] in the print room, which we all found very interesting. The three of us then went for a sumptuous lunch at Le Gavroche where we were joined by Aunt Liz (Demetriadi, George's widow) where we gossiped non-stop. It turned out that the two ladies [Liz Demetriadi and Helen Long née Vlasto] had met about 50 years before at around the time they were married – about six months apart, in the same church, by the same vicar! We always found the stories of Helen's life incredibly interesting – the world has lost a precious gem. If we can help you with more information do let us know. We're in touch with... [various Demetriadis]... We occasionally see other Demetriadis, but not regularly. We look forward to following the developing family tree! Warmest wishes, Sue and Julian Demetriadi

  116. Subject: Paspati Family, Chios
    Date: 12-04-2003 19:00
    Received: 12-04-2003 19:34
    From: Athena McLean, mclea1ah@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, In was thrilled to discover your elaborate web site, and particularly excited to discover some information on the Paspati family. I am a cultural anthropologist in the U.S., with Greek roots (my father was from Smyrna and my mother, Calamata). My family are deceased and my father did not want to talk about his past very much (having left Asia Minor quite young and having lost his father in the Catastrophe). Last summer, I succeeded in locating the wife of an only cousin (by then deceased) who held onto my family's records. I ascertained that my father's mother was herself from Chios (née, Athena Paspati, daughter of Theodoros). I found a Theodoro Paspati in your Paspati site (with no further information about his descendants). He was born in a period that would have been made him the likely father of my grandmother. Hopefully you can use this information. My grandmother also had a brother, Dimitrios and two sisters. One of them (name unknown) married a Chakeris (Tsakiris) and had three sons who came to the United States. The other (name also unknown) had a daughter Arietta, who married Stavros Livanos. They had a son, Giorgos and a daughter Athena, who married Aristotle Onassis, (whose children were Christina and Alexandros), and another daughter, Eugenia, who married Niarchos. My paternal grandfather was Vartholomaiou, but I was unable to locate roots in Chios for him. Other names I located included Pangalo (Dimirtros and Theodora) and Politou (Eugenia and Kaleroi). Any more information you could give me about these names would be most welcome. Yours truly, Athena McLean (née Vartholomaiou, anglicized as Barthelmess).

  117. Subject: Military Intelligence
    Date: 08-04-2003 11:38
    Received: 08-04-2003 13:05
    From: John Hall, jwh@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    As a collector of military medals I am trying to research a group whom I believe was involved in communications during the Second World War, in Africa whilst with the Royal Signals special operation unit 3. Do you have any records of military personnel who were in units C and Y which you wrote about – reference escape and evasion – in Africa. The previous occupation of my man was a telegraphist pre-war. John Hall.

    [During WWll 'C' was often used as an abbreviation for Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) – otherwise known as MI6. 'Y Section' was the extremely effective radio communications intelligence-gathering organisation that worked largely with and for the RAF and which grew out of the British government's prewar GPO telephone monitoring (phone-bugging) services. 'Y' developed the capacity, throughout British and North African theatres, to intercept German Luftwaffer radio signals — CAL]

  118. Subject: Michel Vlasto
    Date: 07-04-2003 12:05
    Received: 07-04-2003 12:43
    From: john.d.hart@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello there, I buy and sell various items of militaria (as a hobby – I also have a 'real' job!), and over the weekend came across a set of four miniature WW1 medals which are claimed to be those of Surgeon-Lieutenant M.E.T.D Vlasto. In trying to research the subject, I came across your web site and now discover that you are yourself a member of the Vlasto family. I wondered if you might be able to shed some light on one of the medals, which is not of British origin. The medal in question is a French 'Palmes Universitaires', which was awarded by the Minister of Education to people who were eminent in the fields of science or the arts (and specifically to those who had made a contribution to teaching). Given Michel Vlasto's achievement in the field of medical science in his later life, it is certainly the kind of award which he may have been presented with – do you know any more about this? As it is quite an unusual medal to find (even in miniature form), it would help me to confirm that these really are Michel Vlasto's medals if I knew that he had been awarded the 'Palmes'. Unfortunately I have no further information as to the provenance of the medals, as the man in the shop where I bought them (in West Wales) was only minding it for a friend. I don't even know if the Vlasto family are trying to find them – there should also be an equivalent full-size set out there somewhere and these would be nice to display alongside them. I attach a photograph which you may like to see. You may recognise the other miniatures in the picture, which are the 1914-15 Star, British War and Victory Medals. Hope this is of interest to you – I very much enjoyed reading your site and wish you luck in your family history researches. Regards, John Hart, Sidmouth, Devon.

  119. Subject: Jean Vouro, Physician to King Otto I
    Date: 03-04-2003 13:53
    Received: 02-04-2003 15:40
    From: Sigrid Strachwitz, sigrid.strachwitz@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, Thanks a lot for your wonderful as well as informative web site! As an art historian I am working on a huge collection of portrait drawings (ca. 1,250 drawings), all by the Prussian Court Painter Wilhelm Hensel (1794-1861; not so well known; married to the composer Fanny Hensel and brother-in-law of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy etc.). Right now I am mostly doing biographical and genealogical research in order to write short vitae for the complete catalogue of the collection. Among the portraits there is one of the physician to Otto I, Johannes Vouros [Iannis 'Johannes' Vouro]. It was executed in August 1856 in Karlsbad. Vouros was there together with Otto I, [General?] Panajotakis Notaras and C. Mourousis (both of them in service to Otto I). Hensel drew portraits of all of them. These portraits belong to the collections of der Kupferstichkabinett (Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz) in Berlin – and to the lot of 'Hensel-Alben' there. Trying to find some more information about Vouros, I was glad to find your web site, and I will quote you resp. the site as source of information. Regarding the date of birth, I would like to tell you, that the Greek Encyclopedia states 1815 and the web site of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Muenchen), which Vouros was a member of, 'says' 1808. I have the feeling, though, that, with 1 Jul 1805, you give the correct information. With best wishes and kindest regards, Sigrid Strachwitz.

  120. Subject: Grandpierre
    Date: 03-04-2003 09:10
    Received: 03-04-2003 09:18
    From: Dianna Johnson, djohnson10@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    While doing research on my family tree, I ran across your web site. You list a Charles Grandpierre and you have no birth or death dates for him. I had a great-grandfather whose name was Charles Grandpierre. He lived in New York, in the United States. I have some copies of letters from him. I don't know when he was born or when he died. The last letter that I have from him was written in 1919. Could this be the same Charles Grandpierre? Dianna

    ... and later...

    There were two Charles Grandpierres living in New York City in the early 1900's. My Charles Grandpierre had a wife, Sarah Formhals. Charles and Sarah had two children, Alice (my grandmother) and Joseph (my great-uncle). Sarah died in 1891, at the age of 26. Charles had to put the children in a Catholic orphanage and never saw them again. The last correspondence from him was from Hicksville, Long Island, NY. I don't know what happened to him after 1919 as that is the date on the last letter from him. In the letters my Charles said he was French. He didn't specify where he emigrated from, but he spoke French. I don't know what he did for a living, although he did mention in the letters that he and his boss had a business of their own. I don't know if he ever remarried. And I have no clue what happened to him. I can't find any information, thus far, on how he arrived here in the US. The other Charles Grandpierre was found when my grandmother was searching for her father. I have a letter from him also. The letterhead is from an import/export company named 'All Americas Association, Inc.'. It was located at 31-33 Broadway, New York. On the bottom of the page is written ''Las Americas' Office – Organ Of The Association in Spanish, A High-Class Monthly Illustrated Magazine, Widely Disseminated In Latin America'. He was also the author of a book which I have a copy of [...What May We Learn From The Other Americans by Chas Grandpierre]...

  121. Subject: Basil Ionides
    Date: 01-04-2003 00:00
    Received: 01-04-2003 10:24
    From: Judith Keen, jakeen@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Have been tracing descendants of Marcus Samuel in order to help a friend 'fluff' out his family tree. He descends from Sir Samuel Instone (Einstein) of Instone Airlines etc. There is a sideways tie to the family of Marcus Samuel so I was checking out female Samuel members. This includes Nellie who first wed Walter Henry Levy then on 23 May 1930 she wed Basil Ionides. Would not have found this if I hadn't tried an old Burke's Peerage and then your web site. I realize your article has been written and archived by now but I couldn't help wondering if you had found the needed data? Basil and family are now on a site which has him as son of Luke Alexander Ionides and Elfrida Elizabeth Bird, grandson of Alexander Constantine Ionides and Euterpe Sgouta she being born 1816 in Turkey; Alexander Constantine Ionides as son of Constantine John Ionides and Mariora Sendoukaki; Constantine John Ionides as son of John 1750c-1790; Mariora died 1857 London; Constantine John Ionides died 1852 Athens. The site does have siblings also but not for Basil himself. Judith Keen, Chelmsford Massaachusetts.

  122. Subject: Neil Graham Stewart-Richardson
    Date: 31-03-2003 19:53
    Received: 31-03-2003 20:06
    From: Derek Bird, derek@[nospam]

    Dear Christopher, ... I have purchased a military compass inscribed to N. G. Stewart-Richardson of the North Irish Horse. I have managed to uncover some research regarding him but am keen to find out more. If the info I have is of any use to you, you are welcome to it. Is there any direction you can point me in. Regards, Derek Bird.

  123. Subject: Cicilie Paget/Evans Family
    Date: 30-03-2003 23:50
    Received: 31-03-2003 00:01
    From: J2HUN2@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher Long, I discovered your name while searching for information on a woman, a cousin, Cicili [Cicely], whose letters, written to my grandmother I found in a box in an old barn at my father's home on Long Island, USA. The letter's return address is Mrs. Evans, Squerryes Lodge, Westerham, Kent. The letters span 20 years, beginning with an exuberant announcement of her engagement, to tragic news of the death of a child, to condolences at the death of my grandfather. Cicilie was beloved cousin of my grandmother, Helen Leroy Miller Smith and I would love to find her or her children. I believe she may have spent the war years (WWll) in New York at William Starr Miller's house on Fifth Avenue, now a museum. A freelance writer now, I am a former journalist, and live in New York City. Thank you for any consideration you can give me. Jennifer Smith.

  124. Subject: Croatian War Manuscript
    Date: 27-03-2003 20:00
    Received: 28-03-2003 11:27
    From: Brian Mulcahy, irishnews@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, I was surfing on the net for info on the Croatian War and found some of your articles. I thought you might find the following link interesting as it has a free downloadable manuscript – a most interesting account of a volunteer combatant who served at that period for the Croatians. In Chapter 4, it states that he came into brief contact with a British mercenary called 'Frenchie' a.k.a. Stephen Hannock – who... [may have had a connection with] ... the tragic fate of Paul Jenks. Brian Mulcahy.

  125. Subject: Richardson Family Records
    Date: 27-03-2003 12:46
    Received: 27-03-2003 13:09
    From: Robin Boucher, Robin.Boucher@[nospam]
    To: '',

    My grandfather's eldest brother [James Boucher] is on the list with question marks. Thought I could help you. He married Beatrice Havergal (James) Richardson... 1. Mary, daughter of Beatrice and James, died 1979. By the way, dad has written on the family tree "charming, and much loved by everyone"; 2. James George Boucher died 1951 (in Sylvania, Ohio) – for your info my dad (nephew) has written "he was a much loved gentleman and sportsman"; 3. James George Boucher was born 30 October 1879 in Kent, England. What you don't ask is issue of Mary. She married Edward Arkell and had two children, David (b. 1938) and Susan (b. 1944). According to the family tree, Beatrice & James Boucher had another daughter, Margaret, who married J. D. Jory. Beatrice must have died, because James George Boucher later married a librarian named Jannet, whom again according to the family tree "was certain that James George Boucher could walk on water!".

  126. Subject: Ralli Descendants
    Date: 21-03-2003 12:20
    Received: 21-03-2003 13:24
    From: Stefany, crying@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher, Hi, I stumbled on your site today and thought I would drop you a line – perhaps you could help me. My father was born in India. When he immigrated to Australia his name was Cedric Karl Ralli-Alamangos. I know that Alamangos is Greek because my grandfather was born in Greece, but know nothing of 'Ralli'. As the surname was too long, my dad dropped the 'Ralli' name. All I know is this: In India, there was a business called, 'Ralli Brothers' and somehow my grandmother was connected with this business, but I don't know why she took the name on. I don't know if it is a relation or not, perhaps you could give me some feedback if you know. Regards, Stefany Dower (P.S. I reside in Australia).

  127. Subject: Zarifis and Zarifi
    Date: 20-03-2003 13:13
    Received: 20-03-2003 14:21
    From: Zariffis, Stephen, Stephen.Zariffis@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher Long, I have been trying to find out where my ancestors comes from. I noticed that there is Zarifis and Zarifi. I was wondering if you could tell me this is a variation in the surname or someone down the line decided to add an "s" to make it sound Greek. My father's surname was originally Zarifis but he added the extra 'f' because when he came to Rhodesia from the Greek community in Egypt, the people kept on missing the 'f' when doing his ID book, passport, etc. It's strange, but it is true, they did miss the 'f', and when he put the double 'f', they didn't miss either of them so the double 'f' stuck. So there are only 6 known 'Zariffis' in the world, my father, mother, brother, sister, me and some Cypriot who stole our surname because it sounded cool. I have also been looking for what exactly Zarifis (or Zarifi) means. I am sure they are the same. Could you give the meaning to me? I would be most grateful. Thank you so much. Kind Regards, Stephen Pavols Zariffis.

  128. Subject: Henry Scott Holland
    Date: 20-03-2003 03:51
    Received: 20-03-2003 23:09
    From: Jess Hanner, jesshanner@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr. Long, ... the words from Death Is Nothing At All from a web page that was attributed to you... led me to your web page where I became intrigued by your varied accomplishments... I had first read these words on March 5, 2003. I practised them aloud to the tall trees in the mountains of Grizzly Flats California where the 1849 Gold Rush had drawn so many others. Hoping to intone the spoken words in the inflection of what I thought the writer intended, and to complete them without breaking my voice and the flowing of tears... when I completed my task before the crowd of mourners... my eyes did glisten. An old friend and 'ex-co-worker' had first given this prose to read at his grown son's memorial service, the same infant son I held in my cradled arms twenty-three years earlier... the little freckled-face boy with a contagious imp of a smile... Now murdered in another senseless crime that has struck so close to my heart that I now know and feel what few do or will... I hope. Thank you Mr Long. Your web page has encouraged me to research Henry Scott Holland and you as well. Who would ever think a Yank like me would end up on your web page? Go figger. Good day. Jesse Lloyd Hanner III.

  129. Subject: Ralli Brothers Thesis
    Date: 19-03-2003 22:35
    Received: 19-03-2003 23:01
    From: vourkate@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr Long, I am doing my PHD thesis on Ralli Bros the firm and I was wondering if you have any information that I could use. or if I have something of use for you. Please be kind enough to respond. Yours, Katerina Vourkatioti.

  130. Subject: Pooles
    Date: 19-03-2003 18:38
    Received: 19-03-2003 18:45
    From: David Poole, davidpoole300@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I came across your Poole web site entirely by chance; you seem to be tracking down my family. I wonder whether you have got any further than your web site shows? Yours David Poole (son of Oliver b. 1911, father of Oliver b. 1972)

  131. Subject: Alex Rannie
    Date: 19-03-2003 11:44
    Received: 19-03-2003 11:57
    From: ARannie@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, I came across your web site quite by chance, and was greatly impressed by your research. On the page that lists Alex Rannie, it looked as if there was a picture of same, but the print below the photograph was so small that I was unable to read it. If it was indeed a photo of Alex Rannie, might I ask for a copy? At some point in the near future, I hope to do genealogical research of my own, and perhaps I will be able to then determine whether or not this Mr. Rannie is one of my forebears. Thank you for your time, and best wishes on your continued work. Sincerely, Alexander Rannie, Hollywood, California, USA

  132. Subject: Tallent of Bond Street
    Date: 07-03-2003 13:56
    Received: 09-03-2003 01:03
    From: geoff jones, geoff.jones51@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello Christopher, I have recently come across a small, very well made, wooden box with an inscription plate on the back bearing the words 'Tallent of Old Bond Street' [see Bond Street]. Despite endless searching I cannot find anything about Tallent and wondered/hoped that you may be able to offer me some help, e.g. nature of the business, era of trading, possible use of this box. I would appreciate any help/advice you could offer me. Thanks for taking the time to read this, Geoff Jones

  133. Subject: Pitsis Family
    Date: 26-02-2003 15:10
    Received: 26-02-2003 16:03
    From: Alexandra Pitsis [address witheld]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, My name is Alexandra Pitsis and I was searching for some information about my father's side of the family. His name is Gerrasimos Pitsis b. 1921. He was born in Egypt and his family fled Greece in the 1800's because of Turkish occupation. My Mother is Christine Syfandos born in Patras Greece in 1931. I noticed on your site... [Ralli genealogy]. Are these people ancestors [of mine]. I am particularly interested in an aunt (Maro/Maria) who married a count called Ribaldo D'Colaldo (?) who lived in Italy. I would appreciate any information you may have. I hope my email isn't too chaotic. Alexandra.

  134. Subject: The Ricardo Family
    Date: 21-02-2003 13:46
    Received: 21-02-2003 20:32
    From: hvw, hvw79@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Christopher Long, First of all my deepest compliments for the beautiful and very interesting web site you have made. Chapeau Christopher! I visited it yesterday evening and was full of respect. It drew my attention because of the name Ricardo it holds. My name is Rene van Wijngaarden from the Netherlands. One of my interests is genealogy and about 30 years ago I started to research my maternal family name Delvalle, a.k.a Van Daelen which is Dutch for Delvalle or 'From the Valley'. The family is Sephardic-Jewish and arrived in the 17th century in Amsterdam and dispersed around the globe. The Ricardo family has the same background and came via Livorno (Italy) and Amsterdam to England. One of the descendants is the economist, banker and MP David Ricardo (1772-1823) married to the Quaker Pricilla Wilkinson. The parents of David Ricardo were Abraham Israel Ricardo (1733-1812) and Abigail Delvalle (1753-1801) and here is the connection with the Delvalle family. One of David's brothers was Raphael Ricardo and he is the ancestor of Cecily (Kate) Ricardo who died 6 July 1999 and was married to Dr. George Colin Bertram who recently died too on 11 January 2001. My interest for Ricardo is because it has so many links to our family and there were several intermarriages between the two families. My Ricardo database, originally the name was Israel Ricardo, is quite vast and I wonder what your link to Ricardo is and how you have gathered your Ricardo information. Happy to exchange information and hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Rene van Wijngaarden.

  135. Subject: Volissos
    Date: 20-02-2003 22:51
    Received: 21-02-2003 10:09
    From: ANNM842@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi, what interesting reading. I feel a little concerned about the problem you had [on the island of Chios]. Would you say this had started as idle gossip and them magnified itself? Did you ever pay a visit to the village of Volissos whilst you were there and do you know anything of its history. Thanks.

  136. Subject: Loges
    Date: 18-02-2003 20:10
    Received: 18-02-2003 21:48
    From: Jim Loges, jloges@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long: While using to research the Loges name your site appeared as a link. It is a fascinating site. Unfortunately I find myself too easily diverted to channels that are not productive to my search and am reaching an age where I do not have too much time for diversions. I started my research just recently at the behest of my children and would like to finish it – if finish is an operative word here ס in this lifetime. Can you point me toward the 'Loges' reference on your site? Thank you for putting up such a diversified site and in advance for your help and guidance. Jim Loges.

  137. Subject: Press Cards
    Date: 17-02-2003 14:19
    Received: 17-02-2003 17:38
    From: Jonathan K. Heath, heathjonathan@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Mr. Long, My name is Jonathan K. Heath and I am a journalist living in the United States. I was reading your web page on press cards and was curious about the cards at the bottom of the page. I know you mention them as being issued by many organizations and that they have done nothing to help you. Still, I am curious as to what organizations issued you the cards on the bottom. I recognize a few cards from earlier in the article, but would like to know about the others. Could you tell me who issued the other cards to you, if you can remember? Respectfully, Jonathan K. Heath

  138. Subject: Data for Pat Line
    Date: 14-02-2003 19:41
    Received: 14-02-2003 21:00
    From: Goldstein Philippe, philippe.goldstein@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Christopher, Here is some info for your research on Pat O'Leary line.
    • Edouart Millien – Active member at the head of Pat Line in Nevers, Nievre (on the Demarcation Line – crossing point on the Allier river). Resistance in 1940. Joined Pat Line in 1941. Arrested 25 February 1942. Sent to different jails in Germany. Death: 03/1955. RAFES [Royal Air Forces Escaping Society] plaque on his grave.
    • Pierre d'Harcourt – Arrested 4 July 1941 in the Paris metro. Sent to Buchenwald after 2 years in Fresnes. He was in touch with Edouart Millien. A member of the Caskie/Garrow Line? [which became known as Pat Line].
    • Jacques Postel-Vinay – Cousin of André Postel-Vinay, in touch with Edouart Millien's surviving members in March 1942. Member of Pat Line?
    • Helpers/Passeurs in Nevers area – Marcel Berthet of Mars sur Allier; Albert Lagaron; Francis Fassier, sent to jails/fortress in Germany; Michel Brenoncelle; (..) Maillot; Louis Fontaine; (..) Lagaron; Fred Tissier, Hotel du Paon, Rue de la Barre, Nevers; Pierre Ramozzi; René Bluzat; Georges Pradel; Capitaine Clerc; (..) Soufflet of Nevers.
    • Escapers – Jean d'Escrienne of Millay, escaped via Spain, no date; André Philip escaped via Spain in 1941.

  139. Subject: Rizo
    Date: 08-02-2003 03:46
    Received: 07-02-2003 19:06
    From: Eliane Rizo, eliane.rizo@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    My grand-father was born in Bucharest c. 1900. His name was Theodore Rizo. He emigrated in Paris and died in 1939. I don't know anything about his past in Romania and his background. He worked for the Banque Dreyfus in Paris as a trader. I'm searching for any information about him. Yours. Eliane Rizo.

  140. Subject: Skouzes Sisters
    Date: 06-02-2003 03:29
    Received: 06-02-2003 11:31
    From: Ian Begg, ibegg@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, I was delighted to discover among the latest additions to your web site the Skouzes sisters Helen Bouboulis and Marika, Princess de Vicovaro. Among some letters of Gilbert Bagnani that I am publishing there are many references to each of the sisters as well as to the Skouzes family, but I did not know their surname. Since you refer to Sturdza and presumably to his book the Dictionnaire historique et genealogique, how do you explain his omission of these sisters on p. 415 and his inclusion instead of Alexandra as a daughter of Alexander Skouzes (1853-1937)? What are your sources for the Skouzes? I am going to Athens this May and hope to be able to locate descendants. Thank you, Ian Begg.

  141. Subject: Ralli & Russian Commercial History
    Date: 02-02-2003 22:46
    Received: 03-02-2003 03:12
    From: WOlearius@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Christopher Long, With big interest I have seen your work about the Ralli, Rodocanachi, Petrocochino and Scaramanga families. I am a specialist in Russian Economic history and especially Russian Company history. I know these families and companies, of course, but I am interested in more specific information. Have you written a book about these people or do you deliver the information by internet? Hoping for an answer, Best regards, Dr. Wolfgang Sartor, Germany. St.Petersburg.

  142. Subject: Savva Family
    Date: 02-02-2003 19:41
    Received: 02-02-2003 20:38
    From: Gill Rice, gilliandavies@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I am researching the family of my great grandfather John Savva, born Syros, although the family may have originated on Chios. The Savva family moved to Liverpool in the 1870's and some members worked for Ralli Brothers.

  143. Subject: Falklands Islands 1914/15
    Date: 01-02-2003 18:21
    Received: 01-02-2003 19:48
    From: Mac107strand@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Thanks, Chris, for taking the trouble to give people an insight of what went on many years ago. I am fascinated by the naval events in WWl, especially the Coronel encounter and the Falklands battle. Well done, Chris. Frank McKenna.

  144. Subject: Saporta Family
    Date: 31-01-2003 15:31
    Received: 31-01-2003 15:36
    From: l.antoni@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Pour les Saporta voir mon livre Une Grande Famille Provençale, les Saporta by Luc Antonini. Car vous avez pas mal d'erreurs.

  145. Subject: London Street Names
    Date: 27-01-2003 04:25
    Received: 27-01-2003 11:36
    From: Julian Danquah, juliandanquah@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Greetings, I know you're busy so I'll be brief. I want to write a short informative article about modern [London] street names. I want to know who, for example in London, actually chooses them. I wondered if you might just know. If not I'm sure I'll find out but yours was the first site I came across so I'm bothering you. Many thanks, Julian Danquah.

  146. Subject: Vlasto Family
    Date: 26-01-2003 18:50
    Received: 26-01-2003 23:04
    From: Fiammetta Zanelli, fiam@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello: I am a descendant of the Vlasto family and if you are interested I can supply you with some additional information for your website. My name is Fiammetta Farace and I am the daughter of Ruggero Farace, son of Caterina Fachiri. Thank you very much. Best regards, Fiammetta Farace Zanelli

  147. Subject: Pat Line
    Date: 25-01-2003 06:53
    Received: 25-01-2003 11:37
    From: Mark Ford, mark@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    I read your articles on the Pat Line. A very interesting story. I am researching material on another escape operation based in Annecy called the Dutch-Paris Line. It also ferried a number of downed airmen into Spain. The man responsible for the Pyrenees leg of the trip was Gabriel Nahas, a young medical student from Toulouse at the time. I found a connection to Dr. George Rodocanachi through a note on the genealogy page for Georges 'Georgie' (Constantine) Rodocanachi, who married a woman named Simone Nahas. I was wondering if there might be a connection between Simone and Gabriel Nahas. Does that sound familiar? I also read your proposal for a television documentary on the escape lines from 1984. It sounds like an excellent project. Did it ever get made? If so, do you know where I might find a copy? Thank you. Mark Ford, IVd Tech, LLC

  148. Subject: Sixties
    Date: 26-01-2003 02:41
    Received: 26-01-2003 23:04
    From: Dr. Thomas Climo, drtomecon@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Just read your old piece. The Sixties died at Altamont. This from a Californian perspective, yet from a man who left America to live in London, remembering, like you, my first snowy Christmas circa 1970. Kent State, escalation in Vietnam, draft avoidance: these are the American themes behind the demise; not the mini-skirt, and certainly not the Beatles. Doctor of Love, Dr. Thomas Climo, Las Vegas, USA.

  149. Subject: Mitchell Family Tree
    Date: 23-01-2003 23:32
    Received: 24-01-2003 09:42
    From: LarryandLisa2000@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hello, My name is Lisa H. and... my...biological mother... recently told me that she is related to William 'Billy' Mitchell. I have looked on your website but cannot find any mention of a Carolyn Mitchell born in 1945. Do you have any record of her? Thanks very much, Lisa.

  150. Subject: Josef Drozd, SOE & Poland
    Date: 23-01-2003 04:08
    Received: 23-01-2003 04:40
    From: Robert Drozd, nuxdrozd@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Re my sister's, Angela's, comments regarding our father's involvement in the Cichociemni. I have confirmed during research the Air Command and Staff College that my father, Jozef "Napiecie" Drozd, was, in fact, Cichociemni, though he did not make a jump back into Poland. Our mother recalls that he was supposed to go on a mission near the end of the war, but that it was canceled. I believe this may correspond to the final Warsaw Rising. When it was recognized that the Russians were not going to enter Warsaw until after the Home Army had been destroyed by the Germans, any missions that would have supported the rising were canceled. They would have been suicide missions. This last bit is speculation on my part. Any further information you may provide will be tremendously appreciated.

  151. Subject: Pye 4526411
    Date: 20-01-2003 23:44
    Received: 21-01-2003 00:06
    From: mark james, mark.jam@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear editor, my name is Mark James and have recently purchased a 1972 campervan with a Pye radio-telephone. I am interested if you would know where I could find out more info about this phone, value,etc. Hoping you can help, Mark James.

  152. Subject: Ralli Family, USA
    Date: 11-01-2003 04:23
    Received: 11-01-2003 15:08
    From: Oliver Ralli, oliverralli@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Dear Mr. Long, My name is Oliver Ralli. I just stumbled across you website, and it is really amazing. My father is Hugo (Charles) Ralli and his wife is Heide Luder. They are both on your Ralli Family page. I often wonder about my family because we are the only Rallis in the United States that I know of... often times I wonder what my heritage is and where I've come from. I'd love to learn more about my history. Why did you create a page on the Ralli family? Is there any way you could include me and my sister...? I hope to hear from you in the future. Thank you very much, Oliver Ralli

    ... and later...

    Dear Christopher, ... I have been looking for a [Ralli] family tree for years. And what's even more exciting is to see my name upon it. So thank you very much for taking the time to add me and my sister to it. And I guess I'd also like to thank you on the behalf of many people I don't know for actually taking the time to collect all of this data and putting it together. I'm sure it means as much to all these strangers and distant family members as it does to me. I'm also terribly excited to read the detailed histories which you suggested... Thank you again, and I hope you are doing well, Oliver.

  153. Subject: Dwerniki
    Date: 08-01-2003 19:01
    Received: 08-01-2003 20:34
    From: Dwernicki Stanislas, dwernicki@[nospam]
    To: '',

    Dear Mr Long, My name is as above. I am the descendant of General Dwernicki (his name is mentioned in the genealogy). I am half French and half Polish... Could I have some information about Countess Dwernicka Winkler? Your site is very interesting. Stanislas Dwernicki.

    and on 09-01-2003 he writes:

    Le general [Dwerniki] a eu deux femmes la première Julia Zukowska avec laquelle il eu un fils Tytus (mon g-g-g-grandpère) et trois filles, Hortense (princesse Puzyna, ma g-g-grandmère du coté de ma grandmère ) une autre Alksandra (mariée à Artur Zelski) et une autre Olimpia (marié à Lucjan Krainski). De sa seconde femme, Aline de Broc, il eu apparemment trois fils Jozef, Klemens et Jan. Cela dit nous avons peu d'info dans la famille sur ces trois fils. Je n'ai aucune info sur une fille Maria. Si vous avez d'autres info je serais très interessé. Il y a peu de Dwernicki dans le monde et cela m'interesserait de savoir qui est cette 'tante' [Maria]. Merci.

  154. Subject: La famille Rodocanachi
    Date: 05-01-2003 15:29
    Received: 05-01-2003 17:46
    From: audoux.beatrice, audoux.beatrice@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Bonjour, Je m'appelle Béatrice Audoux et j'ai vu sur votre site web que vous aviez beaucoup d'informations sur la famille Rodocancachi. Je travaille dans l'hôtel Arturo Lopez à Neuilly-sur-Seine, hôtel qui a été construit en 1903 par Paul Rodocanachi (né en 1871 à Londres d'après nos informations). L'hôtel qui est maintenant un musée doit bientôt être restauré et nous recherchons toutes les informations sur sa construction et sur les personnes qui ont vécu dedans. D'après votre site, Paul y aurait hébergé sa mère et sa soeur. Dîtes-moi si vous en savez plus et si par hasard vous auriez des photos de l'hôtel à cette époque. Nous cherchons également à identifier les armoiries qui figurent sur le fronton de l'hôtel. Savez quelles étaient celles de Paul Rodocanachi? Les archives du musée ont disparu et nous cherchons toutes informations en rapport avec l'histoire du bâtiment. Bien cordialement, Béatrice Audoux.

  155. Subject: Genealogy & Chios
    Date: 07-01-2003 06:53
    Received: 07-01-2003 07:08
    From: [Address withheld]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Hi, I am looking for some help! Trying to trace my family tree in Chios, Greece. Where do I start? Many thanks, [Name withheld].

  156. Subject: Simiriotis Family
    Date: 03-01-2003 14:14
    Received: 03-01-2003 16:12
    From: Simiriotis@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    My husband, Angelo Simiriotis, tells me that the Zarifi family is related to the Simiriotis family by marriage. He will try to get further information from his mother. Kiki Simiriotis. Good luck in your search.

  157. Subject: Gilbert de Voisins
    Date: 03-01-2003 13:21
    Received: 03-01-2003 16:12
    From: Voisin Gilbert, gilbert.voisin@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Re: 'Auguste Gilbert de Voisins (Birth bef 1871)'. Gilbert de Voisins is born in Paramé (France) 7 September 1877, died 9 December 1939 Paris.

  158. Subject: Vlasto family tree
    Date: 02-01-2003 21:08
    Received: 02-01-2003 22:27
    From: Giles Browne, what.ho.vicar@[nospam]
    To: Christopher A. Long,

    Have been intrigued to discover references in your family website to Hawthorn[e] House in Oakhill Park, Old Swan, West Derby, the home of Ambrose Vlasto (1837-1897) among others of your kin. This was the address at which my mysterious great-grandmother Christina Powell, a widow since at least 1881, died in 1920. Her maiden name is so far unknown, as is the name of her husband. (By coincidence Christina's son-in-law, Coury VC, also came from a family of cotton merchants in Liverpool). Do you have any further information on Hawthorne House ? It may have been the property which Christina's two daughters gave to an order of nuns in the 1930s/40s. Come to that, does the name Christina appear in your family tree? Best regards. Giles Browne, Whittington, Glos.

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