Bird Population Study at Le Bosquet 2009
An ornithological project in cooperation with Jean Collette and GONm.
In 2004 Jean Collette of the Groupe
Ornithologique Normand (GONm) kindly agreed to select our tiny farm
in the Norman Bocage as a site for a long-term study of its permanent,
seasonal and migratory bird population. By carefully noting any changes in
the immediate and adjacent environment, we hope that from regular censuses
over a period of time we may learn more about our resident and visiting bird
populations. (See also Small Farm Structures in the Bocage Virois.)
We are extremely grateful to Jean 'William' Collette for his constant help, advice and regular visits to compile the census information which appears below. When he began his monthly visits in 2004, we were sufficiently impressed by the numbers of birds he was able to identify. By 2006 we were astonished to find him recording, flora, fauna and fungi in extraordinary detail. "Merci, cher William! Quel travail, quelle diligence, quel bonheur!".
Introduction 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Censuses and compilation by Jean Collette.
Visit 40 22-09-2009
Visit 35 08-03-2009
Anyone interested in birds and the preservation, conservation or protection of their natural environments in the Normandy region should consider joining the Groupe Ornithologique Normand (GONm): 181 Rue d'Auge, 14000 Caen, France. Tel: +33 2 31 43 52 56 Fax: +33 2 31 93 27 07. Email GONm.
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