SpousePloumou (Stephanos) Ralli, GG Granddaughter
Birth1790, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
MemoRalli family tree says 1795.
Death10 May 1867, Marseille, France
Memo1867 according to Ralli family tree.
Note 1(Chaviara-Axeskoufotos) Her brothers Eustratius and Ioannis were in London and the rest of her family in Marseilles at the time of the Chios Massacres. Ploumou and her husband remained on Chios where he and his brother were killed by the Turks in 1822.
Flags***, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Scaramanga, Sechiari