Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
NameDimitrios (Michael) Spartali
Birth23 Apr 1851, London, England
MemoArgenti says 23 Apr 1853.
Death3 Apr 1894, London, England
MemoArgenti says 3 Apr 1893.
Burial7 Apr 1894, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Baptism3 Jul 1851, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
Residence1881, 2 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge, London, England
Residence1894, 18 Pont Street, Knightsbridge, London, England
OccupationMerchant. Stockbroker
Note 1He and Virginia were the subjects of a celebrated row in London’s Greek community! A Dimitrios Spartali gave to St Sophia Church, London, a pair of triple lamps. He left an estate of £12,597 to his wife Virginia.
God-parentsDimitrios Spartali.
Flags***, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Spartali 1
FatherMichael (Dimitrios) Spartali (1818-1914)
MotherEuphrosyne (P.) Varsamis (1825-1913)
Marriage22 Apr 1879, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
Married MemoLast marriage at that church.
SpouseVirginia (Antonios) Ralli, GGGG Granddaughter
Birth8 Mar 1859, London, England
Death1 Jan 1935, Eastbourne, Sussex, England
Baptism17 Apr 1859, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
Residence1910, Gore Court, Maidstone, Kent, England
Residence1934, The Cottage, Carlisle, Eastbourne, Sussex, England
Note 1(Pitsis) She and Dimitrios were the subjects of a celebrated row in London’s Greek community! She left estate of £34,830 to her daughter Euphrosyne. Virginia Ralli’s 2nd marriage to Ellice-Clark comes from Andrew Tatham.
Marr. WitnessAlex A. Ralli and Polymnia P. Scaramanga.
God-parentsPolymnia Ralli.
Flags***, Calvocoressi, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Ralli (Spechlis), Rodocanachi, Scaramanga, Sechiari
MotherNina (Paul) Mavrogordato (1827-1878)
1 FEuphrosyne ‘Effie’ (Dimitrios) Spartali, 5G Granddaughter
Birth3 Mar 1880, London, England
Death12 Sep 1935, Eastbourne, Sussex, England
Burial16 Sep 1935, Greek Orthodox Cathedral, St Sophia, Moscow Road, Bayswater, London, England
MemoCremated at Golders Green, London, England.
SpouseAmbrose Constantine (Alexander) Ionides , 5G Grandson (1878-1915)
Marriage29 Jul 1911, Greek Orthodox Cathedral, St Sophia, Moscow Road, Bayswater, London, England
ChildrenDionysos Alexander ‘Denis’ (Ambrose) (1912-1978)
 Irene (Ambrose) (1914-1986)
2 MMichael ‘Bob’ (Dimitrios) Spartali, 5G Grandson
Birth22 Jul 1881, London, England
Death11 Jun 1915, Dardenelles, Bosphorus, Turkey/Byzantium
MemoCWGC says 15 Jun 1915.
BurialCommonwealth War Grave, Helles, Bosphorus, Turkey/Byzantium
3 MCyril (Dimitrios) Spartali, 5G Grandson
Birth10 Jul 1888, East Preston, Lancs, England
Death13 Oct 1915, Loos, Belgium
MemoAccording to Andrew Tatham.
Burial1915, Commonwealth War Grave, Loos Memorial, Pas de Calais, France
4 FIrene (Dimitrios) Spartali, 5G Granddaughter
Birth10 Jul 1888, East Preston, Lancs, England
Death16 Sep 1910, Maidstone, Kent, England
Last Modified 16 Jun 2015Created 7 Dec 2023 Christopher A. Long © 1997-2021
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