Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
NameAntonios ‘Anthony’ (Alexander) Ralli, GGG Grandson
Birth1 Jan 1812, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
Death4 Jul 1882, London, England
Burial12 Jul 1882, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Residence1881, 102 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, London, England
MemoPresumably from the 1881 UK census.
Residence(Office) 42 Finsbury Circus, London, England
OccupationMerchant. Member of the Baltic Exchange, London.
OriginChios. British citizenship 12 Feb 1848.
Note 1(Pitsis) His 1876 mausoleum at West Norwood Cemetery was listed by English Heritage in 1981. His Will was proved 28 Jul 1882 in the UK (£437,114 pounds, 11 shillings and 6 pence).
Note 2Well-known among the London Greek community for his charitable work. One of the three trustees who signed the contract on 1849 for the land on which the Greek Church at London Wall was built.
Note 3A member of the Finance Committee for the building of St Sophia’s church, London.
Note 4He left estate worth more than £437,000 in his Will dated 11 Jan 1882, mostly divided among his children and close family. He also made provision for a school and two hospitals on Chios and for two clerks and for his domestic servants.
Flags***, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Ralli (Spechlis), Scaramanga, Sechiari
MotherPloumou (Stephanos) Ralli (1790-1867)
Marriage23 Jan 1838, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
SpouseMinusca (Georges) Tamvaco
Birthabt 1823
Death30 Sep 1845, London, England
Burial7 Oct 1845, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Note 1She was a witness at the marriage of a Dimitrios (Nicolas) Tamvakos in 1841 - what relationship?
Marr. WitnessMarietta Ralli and Pandia Stephanos Ralli.
FlagsTamvaco 2
FatherGeorge TAMVACO (?-?)
1 MAlexander (Antonios) Ralli, GGGG Grandson
Birth13 Jan 1840, London, England
Death17 Sep 1917, Hove, Sussex, England
SpouseEmily Gowen (?-1902)
2 MGeorge (Antonios) Ralli, GGGG Grandson
Birth12 May 1841, London, England
Death21 May 1862, St Louis, USA
MemoRecorded in West Norwood Greek Cemetery as 31 May.
Burial9 Aug 1862, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
3 MPandia (Antonios) Ralli, GGGG Grandson
Birth5 Nov 1842, London, England
MemoAccirding to his marriage certificate. Argenti says 17 Nov 1842.
Death27 Dec 1901, Athens, Greece/Hellenes
SpouseJenny (Stephanis) Rodocanachi , GGG Granddaughter (1843-1924)
Marriage29 Apr 1865, Marseille, France
Married MemoAccording to marriage certificate. Argenti says 24 Apr 1865.
ChildrenAntonio (Pandia) (1866-1892)
 Etienne (Pandia) (1867-1922)
 Mina (Pandia) (1872-1920)
4 FPolymnia (Antonios) Ralli, GGGG Granddaughter
Birth9 Jul 1844, London, England
Death20 Dec 1922, Corfu, Greece/Hellenes
SpousePeter (Pandia) Scaramanga , GGG Grandson (1837-1907)
Marriage18 Jul 1863, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
ChildrenPandia (Peter) (1864-1919)
 Henriette (Peter) (1866-?)
 Mina (Peter) (1868-?)
 Antoine (Peter) (1870-?)
 George (Peter) (1873-?)
 André (Peter) (1878-1906)
Last Modified 15 Sep 2007Created 7 Dec 2023 Christopher A. Long © 1997-2021
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