NameLeonidas (George) Zarifi, G Grandson
Birth16 Dec 1840, Constantinople, Turkey/Byzantium
MemoSturdza says 1839.
Death1 Mar 1923, Kiphissia, Athens, Greece/Hellenes
MemoAnother source says died 1929.
ResidenceTherapia, Constantinople, Turkey/Byzantium
OccupationBanker, Constantinople.
Note 1A 1910 sketch by Hassan shows a Leonidas and George Zarifi, Count Ostrorog, etc.
Note 2Portraits of a Leonidas Zarifi appear among the 8 albums of cartes de visite dating from 1860 -1861 by the diplomat turned photographer Camille Silvy in the National Portrait Gallery.
Note 3Bought a number of properties mostly on Princes Islands in the Bosphorus including an orphanage. He and his family wintered in mansions in Tepebasi and spent the summer on the Bosphorus.
Note 4His house at Therapia was sold by his sons in 1935. It was occupied by the American diplomat Morgenthau (married to a Ralli) during WWI, when Leonidas and Euphrosyne took refuge in Switzerland (cf. Henry Morgenthau, 'Secrets of the Bosphorus').
Note 5On 30 June 1886 Zarifi Brother & Co (London) was dissolved (partners were: S. Zafiropulo. P. Simiriotti. N. Zarifi. Michael Zarifi. P. G. Zarifi. J. M. Zarifi. L. G. Zarifi. Theodore M. Zarifi)
Flags***, Kaplanoglou, Zafiropoulo, Zarifi