NameGeorge Leonidas (Leonidas) Zarifi, GG Grandson
Birth13 Jan 1880
MemoOther source says 1881 and 1883. Sturdza says 1879.
Death6 Jul 1943, Athens, Greece/Hellenes
Note 1His account of his life and forebears ‘My Memoirs’ were published in Greek by his descendants in 2002 and in Turkish in 2004. He inherited the surviving banks of his father and grandfather.
Note 2One of the three brothers who appear in a silhouette made in Istanbul/Constantinople in 1908. Subject of a 1910 sketch by Hassan with Leonidas Zarifi, Count Ostrorog, etc.
Flags***, Giustiniani Pi, Kaplanoglou, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Ralli (Chaviara), Vouro, Zafiropoulo, Zarifi