Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
NameThemistocles Pandia Anthony (Pandia) Petrocochino, 9G Grandson
Birth12 Mar 1824, Andros, Greece
Death16 Oct 1900, Paris, France
Burial1900, St Mary’s Church, Manchester, England
Residence1857, Bradford, Yorks, England
ResidenceSedgeley House, Prestwich, Lancs, England
ResidenceNorcliffe, Upper Park Road, Salford, Lancs, England
OriginChios. Took British citizenship on 5 Aug 1875.
Note 1(Katsaros) Knight of the Order of The Saviour. The 1872 Bradford Directory describes him as a merchant of 3 North Park Road.
Note 2Another source believes he was born in Bradford, Yorks. An East and West India merchant and prominent member of the Manchester Greek community.
Note 3He was so wary of the new automobiles that he insisted on being towed in a cart behind his horseless carriage!
Flags***, Argenti, Calvocoressi, Cantacuzene, Caralli, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Rodocanachi, Scanavi, Vouro
MotherFranga (Ioannis) Caralli (1790-1874)
Marriage7 Jan 1857, Manchester, England
SpouseMarigo ‘Merope’ (Ambrouzis) Mavrogordato, 10G Granddaughter
Birth6 Mar 1839, Salonika, Greece/Hellenes
MemoAccording to the 1901 Census she was born on Chios.
Death15 Oct 1912, Northcliffe, Broughton Park, Manchester, England
MemoArgenti says Manchester.
Burial18 Oct 1912, Cemetery, Prestwich, Manchester, England
Residence1901, Sedgeley House, Prestwich, Lancs, England
ResidenceNorthcliffe, Upper Park Road, Salford, Lancs, England
Note 1(Siphouni) The 1901 Census records her servants as being: Jane Garlick (lady’s maid), Emily Kersley (nurse), Ada Davenport (cook), Clara Camm + Ethel Spottiswood (housemaids), Margaret Bell (laundress), Ida Bourbon (nursemaid), Mary Bratt (kitchen maid).
Note 2Was Clara Camm (housemaid aged 34 in 1901 and born in Bothamshaw, Bucks) by any chance related to the Mary Cann (1859-1949) who was the second wife of Spyridon (George) Georgalas of Birkenhead and who may well have been a servant herself?
Note 3As a widow she lived at Sedgeley House with her daughter Julia and family. Sedgeley House (with Sedgeley Park?) was sold at auction in 1904.
Marr. WitnessScarlato Michael Mavrogordato and John Copeland Zygomala.
Flags***, Argenti, Calvocoressi, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Franghiadi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Negroponte, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Rodocanachi, Schilizzi, Vlasto, Vouro
FatherAmbrouzis (Michael) Mavrogordato (1799-1870)
MotherSmaragda ‘Esmeralda’ (Petros) Schilizzi (1813-1878)
Birth13 Feb 1859, Bradford, Yorks, England
MemoArgenti says 13 Oct 1858. The birth of Frances Petrocokino was registered Oct-Nov-Dec 1858, Bradford, Yorkshire Volume 9b, Page 71.
SpouseEmmanuel (Costi) Kopchilis (1851-1935)
Marriage6 Jan 1883, Manchester, England
Birth1 Apr 1860, Bradford, Yorks, England
MemoArgenti says 1 Feb 1860.
Death9 May 1929, London, England
SpouseIoannis ‘John’ (Ambrosios) Negroponte , 9G Grandson (1844-1918)
Marriage8 Jan 1881, Manchester, England
ChildrenMaria ‘Mary’ (Ioannis) (1881-1961)
Birth18 Feb 1861, Bradford, Yorks, England
Death10 Nov 1931, London, England
Marriage4 Oct 1884, Manchester, England
Married MemoArgenti says 4 Nov 1884.
ChildrenEmmanuel J. ‘Manoli’ (John) (1887-?)
 Alexandra (John) (1890-?)
Birth3 Sep 1862, Bradford, Yorks, England
Death13 Jul 1945, Buxton, Derbyshire, England
SpouseGeorgios ‘George’ (Stamatios) Frangopoulos , 9G Grandson (1858-1923)
Marriage12 Nov 1887, Manchester, England
Married MemoArgenti says 31 Oct 1887, Manchester.
ChildrenStamatios G. (Georgios) (1890-1920)
 Thomas J. (Georgios) (~1899-?)
Birth30 Oct 1863, Bradford, Yorks, England
Death28 Jan 1938, Paris, France
Marriage15 Mar 1893, The Hague, Netherlands
Birth20 Jan 1865, Bradford, Yorks, England
Death10 Oct 1926, Pangbourne, Berks, England
Marriage23 Aug 1905, Purley, Surrey, England
ChildrenPaul (Ambrouzios) (1910-1985)
Birth3 May 1866, Bradford, Yorks, England
Death29 May 1937, London, England
SpouseAlice (William) Mather (1866-1940)
Marriage31 Oct 1890, Manchester, England
Married MemoArgenti says 31 Dec 1890, Manchester.
Last Modified 8 Aug 2023Created 7 Dec 2023 Christopher A. Long © 1997-2021
© 2023 Christopher A Long