SpouseMarigo ‘Merope’ (Ambrouzis) Mavrogordato, 10G Granddaughter
Birth6 Mar 1839, Salonika, Greece/Hellenes
MemoAccording to the 1901 Census she was born on Chios.
Death15 Oct 1912, Northcliffe, Broughton Park, Manchester, England
MemoArgenti says Manchester.
Burial18 Oct 1912, Cemetery, Prestwich, Manchester, England
Residence1901, Sedgeley House, Prestwich, Lancs, England
ResidenceNorthcliffe, Upper Park Road, Salford, Lancs, England
Note 1(Siphouni) The 1901 Census records her servants as being: Jane Garlick (lady’s maid), Emily Kersley (nurse), Ada Davenport (cook), Clara Camm + Ethel Spottiswood (housemaids), Margaret Bell (laundress), Ida Bourbon (nursemaid), Mary Bratt (kitchen maid).
Note 2Was Clara Camm (housemaid aged 34 in 1901 and born in Bothamshaw, Bucks) by any chance related to the Mary Cann (1859-1949) who was the second wife of Spyridon (George) Georgalas of Birkenhead and who may well have been a servant herself?
Note 3As a widow she lived at Sedgeley House with her daughter Julia and family. Sedgeley House (with Sedgeley Park?) was sold at auction in 1904.
Marr. WitnessScarlato Michael Mavrogordato and John Copeland Zygomala.
Flags***, Argenti, Calvocoressi, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Franghiadi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Negroponte, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Rodocanachi, Schilizzi, Vlasto, Vouro
FatherAmbrouzis (Michael) Mavrogordato (1799-1870)
MotherSmaragda ‘Esmeralda’ (Petros) Schilizzi (1813-1878)