NameTchelebi Frangoulis (Dimitri) Rodocanachi, 7G Grandson
Birth23 Apr 1776, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
MemoAccording to a hand-written genealogy 22 May 1774.
Death22 Feb 1854, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy
MemoAccording to a hand-written genealogy 10 Feb 1854.
Note 1He and his wife Batou received the French ambassador Le Comte de Marcellus at their country villa in the Kampos, a visit which Marcellus describes in some detail in his book ‘Souvenirs de L’Orient’ (1816).
Note 2Marcellus describes Tchelebi Rodocanachi as the richest of the Chios merchants, one of its leaders and the most generous of the founders of the island’s college. He finds the Rodocanachis, their estate and Chios itself quite enchanting.
Flags***, Calvocoressi, Grimaldi, Petrocochino, Rodocanachi
FatherDimitrios (Emmanuel) Rodocanachi (1747-1814)
MotherCornelia (Stamati) Thalassinos (1751-1789)