SpouseHelen (Ambrose) Ralli, 11G Granddaughter
Birth23 Oct 1884, London, England
Death16 Sep 1956, Carlten Bay, Cornwall, England
Baptism22 Nov 1884, Greek Orthodox Cathedral, St Sophia, Moscow Road, Bayswater, London, England
Residence1939, 132 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, Westminster, London, England
Note 1(Pitsis) In Marietta Pallis’ photo collection is a woman seated inscribed ‘Eleni 1899 Athens’, said by Marietta to be a Helen Ralli who married a Petrocochino. This is the only obvious candidate (b. 1884). But is this woman about 15-16 years old?
God-parentsAmbrose Strati Ralli (represented by Aikaterini Ralli).
Flags***, Argenti, Avierino, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Ralli (Spechlis), Rodocanachi, Scaramanga, Schilizzi, Sechiari, Sevastopoulos, Vlasto, Vouro
FatherAmbrose Pandia Theodore (Pandia) Ralli (1851-1899)
MotherMarietta (Stephen) Ralli ° (1863-1961)