NameDimitrios (Emmanuel) Petrocochino, 9G Grandson
Birth1820, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
Death1 Jan 1887, 48 Lancaster Gate, London, England
MemoDeath notice appeared in The Times (London) 4 Jan 1887, pg. 1. Metaxa Greek Church records say 2 Jan 1887. Argenti says 1886.
Burial5 Jan 1887, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Residence1861, Holly Road, Fairfield, Liverpool, England
MemoAnd in 1859.
Note 1(Hamartolos) The partnership between D. E. Petrocochino, E. E. Petrocochino, A. C. Agelasto and J. P. Sagrandi operating in London as Agelasto Petrocochino & Co., was dissolved on 31 Dec 1869 (London Gazette).
Note 2He fled Chios as a child in arms, his father being one of the very few hostages who escaped the Kastro.
Flags***, Argenti, Avierino, Calvocoressi, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Rodocanachi, Sevastopoulos, Vlasto, Vouro