NameStephen Stephanovich (John) Schilizzi JP, 5G Grandson
Birth15 Apr 1872, 93 Westbourne Terrace, Bayswater, London, England
Death18 Jul 1961, London, England
MemoBishop Timothy says 1960.
Baptism11 May 1872
Residence1904, 15 Prince’s Gardens, Westminster, London, England
Residence1931, Loddington Hall, Kettering, England
ResidenceGrosvenor House, Park Lane, Mayfair, London, England
OccupationBanker and stock broker.
Note 1(Araba) Land owner. Justice of the Peace. High Sheriff of Northampton. President of the Conservative Party of Kettering.
God-parentsHelen St. Schilizzi. (Zannis Schilizzi says she is his wife.)
Flags***, Argenti, Avierino, Calvocoressi, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Negroponte, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Rodocanachi, Scaramanga, Schilizzi, Sechiari, Sevastopoulos, Vouro
FatherJohn S. (Zannis) Schilizzi Stephanovich (1840-1908)
MotherVirginia (Pandia) Sechiari (1849-1929)