SpouseMaria ‘Mary’ (Pandely) Ralli, GGGG Granddaughter
Birth23 Sep 1852, London, England
Death28 Jun 1898, Bradford, Yorks, England
Baptism19 Oct 1852, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
Note 1(Chaviara-Chatta) John dedicated a window to her memory in Bradford Cathedral. His second wife did the same for him.
God-parentsAikaterini Ralli.
Flags***, Argenti, Avierino, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Rodocanachi, Scaramanga, Schilizzi, Sechiari, Vlasto