NameSir Eustratius ‘Strati’ (Lucas) Ralli MC 2nd Baronet, 5G Grandson
Birth14 Jul 1876, NYC, USA
Death12 Nov 1964
Residence1939, Beaurepaire Park, Bramley, Hants, England
Residence1939, Flat 47, 3 Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, London, England
Residenceaft 1943, 54 Kingston House, Prince’s Gate, Kensington, London, England
Residence2 Park Street, Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, London, England
OccupationBecame a partner of Ralli Brothers (1911) and Chairman (1931) controlling the firm with Anthony Alexander Vlasto. Director of many other companies. Listed in 1913 as a member of the Baltic Exchange.
EducationEton. New College, Oxford (BA 1898).
Note 1(Chaviara-Axeskoufotos) High Sheriff of Hampshire 1943. Did he buy Beaurepaire Park from Charles Foreman, father of his son Godfrey’s first wife. Instigated a sensational but sad court case, in 1958, against a ‘mistress’ who attempted to blackmail him.
Note 2Served with the Middlesex Imp. Yeomanry in the Boer War. Capt. Royal Field Artillery (WWl). In 1931 Ralli Bros was led by Anthony Alexander Vlasto and Sir Strati Ralli. On 1 Sep 1931 the firm of Ralli Brothers Limited came into existence.
Note 3In 1931 Ralli Brothers was led by: President: Sir Strati Ralli; and Vice Presidents: Anthony Alexander Vlasto, George Eumorforpoulos, Augustus Alexander Vlasto and George Constantine Demetriadi.
Note 4In 1931 Ralli Brothers directors were: Henri F. Pfister, Athanasius C. Demetriadi, Pandias J. Calvocoressi, Sir Stephen Demetriadi KBE, George Malcolm CBE, Leonidas P. Argenti, John Scott, Gregory Thomaides, Alexander G. Vlasto and Jack A. Vlasto.
Note 5Served with the Middlesex Imp. Yeomanry in the Boer War. Presumably the Maj. E. L. Ralli who was the owner of a Rolls-Royce no. 1896-1944.
Flags***, Argenti, Avierino, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Rodocanachi, Scaramanga, Schilizzi, Sechiari, Sevastopoulos, Vlasto, Vouro