Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
NameMichael Emmanuel ‘Miké’ (Emmanuel) Mavrogordato
Birth11 Jan 1808, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
Death1 Oct 1890, London, England
Burial4 Oct 1890, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Residence1844, Office: 8 Union Court, Old Broad Street, City of London, England
Residence1848, Office: 14 North Buildings, Finsbury Circus, City of London, England
Residence1861, 14 Inverness Terrace, London, England
Residence1871, 27 Colebrooke Row, London, England
OccupationMerchant. Insurance agent.
OriginGreece. Took British citizenship 19 Jun 1849.
Note 1(Lakana) Also known as Mihali. Catsiyannis says he had founded in London before 1844 the firm ‘Mavrogordato Michael Emmanuel’ which in 1848 was renamed Ralli & Mavrogordato.
Note 2He summoned his nephew Emmanuel Mavrogordato, then in his twenties and living in Constantinople, to join the firm in London.
Note 31861 England census: 14 Inverness Terrace, London, household headed by Michael E. Mavrogordato, 48, insurance agent, naturalized British subject; and wife Arety, 32, both b. Greece; daughter Esmeralda, 10, b. Turkey; & 3 servants.
Note 41871 England census: 27 Colebrooke Row, London, included a household headed by M. E. Mavrogordato, 59, insurance agent; and wife Areti, 41, both b. Greece.
Flags***, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Vouro, Zygomala
FatherEmmanuel (Antonios) Mavrogordato (?-?)
MotherSmaragda (Andreas) Zygomala (?-?)
Marriage9 Oct 1845, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
Married MemoRalli family tree says 1846.
SpouseAreti (Pandia) Ralli, GG Granddaughter
Birth24 Jul 1828, Trieste, Italy/Austria
MemoA census return says Greece.
Death26 Jul 1900, London, England
Burial31 Jul 1900, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Note 1(Chaviara-Chatta) But Ralli family tree says she married Nicholas Mavrogordato in 1846. An Areti Mavrogordato was godmother to Hebe Areti Maria Tsinos (b. 27 Jan 1856, daughter of Nicolas & Justine) on 11 Jun 1856 at the Church of Our Saviour, London.
Marr. WitnessEmmanuel Franghiadi.
Flags***, Argenti, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Rodocanachi, Schilizzi, Vlasto, Zygomala
FatherPandia (Ambrouzis) Ralli (1779-1836)
1 MEmmanuel (Michael) Mavrogordato, GGG Grandson
Birth7 Aug 1846
MemoArgenti says 3 Aug 1846, London.
Death25 Aug 1846
MemoArgenti says 21 Apr 1847, London
Burial27 Aug 1846, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
2 FSmaragda (Michael) Mavrogordato, GGG Granddaughter
Birth27 Nov 1850, London, England
MemoA census return says Turkey.
Death28 May 1870, London, England
MemoArgenti says 28 Mar 1870.
Burial1 Jun 1870, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, West Norwood, London, England
Last Modified 1 Jul 2015Created 7 Dec 2023 Christopher A. Long © 1997-2021
© 2023 Christopher A Long