Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
NameLucas (Zannis) Mavrogordato
Birth1819, Chios, Greece/Hellenes
Death22 Dec 1875, Rome, Italy
OriginChios. Took British citizenship 11 Nov 1862.
Note 1According to a hand-written note in a Ralli family tree, they may have had a son or grandson John Mavrogordato; if they had a grandson, was he John Nicholas Mavrogordato 1882-1970?
Note 2If Lucas had a son he might have been called Nicolas since a John Nicolas Mavrogordato (referred to frequently in official records) was born in 1882 and died 1970. This John Nicolas does not appear Argenti and is unknown to Sturdza.
Flags***, Argenti, Avierino, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Rodocanachi, Scaramanga, Schilizzi, Vlasto
FatherZannis (Lucas) Mavrogordato (1781-1832)
MotherOriettou (Alexander) Vlasto (1790-1832)
Marriage22 Sep 1853, Church of Our Saviour, London Wall, City of London, England
SpouseMarietta (Pandia) Ralli, GGG Granddaughter
Birth12 Apr 1832, Vienna, Austria
Death5 Mar 1919, Rome, Italy
Baptism1 Dec 1843, Chapel of Our Saviour, Finsbury Circus, City of London, England
Note 1(Pitsis) Known to Dominie Nicholls (née Vlasto) as great-aunt 'Marietta of Rome', benefactress of Marietta Pallis (according to the latter’s note in a Ralli family tree). An oil-on-canvas portrait of her exists.
Note 2She and her husband stayed in Marseille at the house of Pandia ‘Zeus’ Ralli in Nov 1862 on their way to Bombay.
Marr. WitnessAnthony Th. Ralli and C.A. Th. Ralli.
God-parentsCatingo (sic) A. Ralli.
Flags***, Argenti, Cantacuzene, Coressi, Giustiniani Fi, Giustiniani Pi, Grimaldi, Mavrogordato, Maximo, Petrocochino, Ralli (Chaviara), Ralli (Pitsis), Ralli (Spechlis), Rodocanachi, Vlasto
MotherBarbara (Karl) Reissert (1812-1833)
Last Modified 8 Apr 2006Created 7 Dec 2023 Christopher A. Long © 1997-2021
© 2023 Christopher A Long