NameGeneral William Lendrum 'Billy' (John) Mitchell, GGG Grandson
Birth29 Dec 1879, Nice, France
MemoAnother source says 28 Dec, Nice.
Death19 Feb 1936
MemoAnother source says 18 Dec 1936.
Burial1936, Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Note 1General in US Army/Air Force. Founder of American air power. Awarded a special posthumous Congressional Medal in 1948.
Note 2Appears to have been married to and divorced from (1921) a first wife, Caroline and to have married again to someone call Janet.
Note 3The film ‘The Trial of Billy Mitchell’ is a fair attempt at an accurate account of his court-marshal which was later agreed to have been a travesty of justice given that the attack on Pearl Harbour vindicated everything he had predicted.
Note 4“A Question of Loyalty” by Douglas Waller (Harper Collins) 2004 is the definitive account of Billy Mitchell’s life and trial.
Flags***, Dickson, Mitchell