NameThomas (Thomas) Croil
Birth12 Apr 1865, Balmory Hall, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland
Death14 May 1942, Summerland, BC, Canada
ResidenceMurtle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Memoand Michigan
Residence1919, 3 Carden Terrace, Aberdeen, Scotland
MemoAnd in 1920.
ResidenceSummerland, BC, Canada
EducationMarischal College, Aberdeen, Scotland
Note 1He is presumably the Thomas Croil of Milwaukee who was owed (and lost?) $1,000 when an Alexander Mitchell applied for bankruptcy in 1899.
Note 2The loss of $1,000 at this time appears to have had a catastrophic effect for Thomas and his wife who appear never to have recovered their fortunes thereafter.
Note 3On 1 June 1899 The Waukesha Freeman reported that Thomas Croil had launched his ‘pretty gasoline propellor [launch] on Lake Henrietta’.
Note 4He and Christian had a summer holiday house at Waterville, Summit, near Milwaukee, which was still standing in 2015.
Note 5On 26 Jun 1900 he patented improvements to the axles, wheels and transmission for motor vehicles.
Note 5He presumably inherited (shared with his sister?) his father’s considerable fortune and the Balmory Hall estate. If so, it had all been lost by quite quickly!
Flags***, Croil
FatherThomas (William) Croil (1815-1874)
MotherMary Gordon Heron THOMSON (1839->1906)