Family Group Sheet
Family Group Sheet
NameThomas Mitchell 'Tom' (Thomas) Croil °, 5G Grandson
Birth7 Aug 1891, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Death12 May 1985, Summerland, BC, Canada
OccupationTea planter on the Greenwood Estate, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Fruit farmer at Summerland, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.
Note 1Lieutenant in Field Artillery 1914-1918. Seriously wounded at Courcelette, Somme, spending several months recovering in a London hospital.
Note 2Returned to service he was assigned to northern India near the Khyber Pass ostensibly on light duty in charge of troop recreation where in a sporting accident he lost his sight in his left eye
Note 3Flight Lieutenant in Royal Canadian Air Force 1939-45.
Flags***, Croil, Dickson, Mitchell, Shives/Chivas
FatherThomas (Thomas) Croil (1865-1942)
Married MemoBut Christian C Vlasto (m. Abbas) autobiography suggests it was ‘recent’ in 1964...
SpouseMarjorie Vandenburg °
Death1998, Summerland, BC, Canada
OccupationAfter WWII, a journalist for the Vernon News, the Summerland Review, and the Penticton Herald (for 25 years). Artist.
Note 1Widow of Dr Alfred Vanderburgh, with whom she had two children: Mary and John.
Death notes for Marjorie Vandenburg °
From a gallery note: “Marjorie Croil moved from Ontario to Summerland, BC in 1925. She married her husband, Thomas Mitchell Croil (d. 1985) in 1959. From the age of five Marjorie knew she wanted to be an artist but it took quite a few years before that dream could be realized. Other duties such as family, volunteer work and being a journalist occupied much of her time for many years. After World War II, Marjorie became a journalist for the Vernon News, the Summerland Review, and the Penticton Herald, the latter she worked at for over 25 years. With the exception of a few long ago lessons with an art professor in London, Ontario and the occasional instruction through the Okanagan Summer School of the Arts, Naramata Center and the Summerland Art Club, Marjorie mainly developed her skill through painting and experimenting on her own. Working in many mediums such as oil, watercolour, gouache, oil pastel, wax resist, felt pen, collage, mono-printing, woodcuts, linocuts and fabric art, Marjorie is definitely an eclectic artist. Her style leans towards impressionism. She once said, "I'm not too interested in realism. I get a picture in my head and then I can do it very quickly. I work in so many media because I like to experiment all the time. The way I judge a picture is to be emoted by it." 
Last Modified 10 Nov 2023Created 12 Sep 2024 Christopher A. Long © 1997-2024
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